Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

It's a disease. This need for attention. Not even there can he just let it be and not screaming for - "look at me."
They do anything to be noticed, to be in the center of attention, anything. Including catering to criminals, serving them, and promoting them.
"our babies"....
They are 30, they aren't babies since they were 2 years old.

View attachment ahf8.mp4
Proving how sick this propaganda is, and how blind their troubled fans are, and since good news travels fast -

View attachment taekook_rainbow_gaysicko.mov

An adult obsessing over propaganda pushed by BigHit to promote sick homosexuality, create fan wars, and generate sick content over "taekkook", exposing her daughter and pushing this sick agenda down her throat, but screaming "I victim, how dare you."
A child isn't free to choose anything, a child and a minor needs guidance from a mentally healthy person. Not a sick one.
Using words like “bitches”, “fuck all taekook antis”, etc. The mother of a child. Also lying - she gave her daughter a boy's haircut and posted a picture of it.

As far as the comment goes - wanting, at any price, to believe a fantasy, rather than accepting the reality and fighting. is what makes people in general guilty.
Rather than accepting a mental illness, and a perversity, such as homosexuality, and doing something about it, these are the people guilty for all the pedophiles and the horrible crimes out in the world.
Yes, darlings. Jungkook seems to be a drug addict and the fact that he is an alcoholic is out there, live, on video. To blindly ignore it, and keep calling them "babies", innocent, and victims, calling everyone crazy, while out there believing in some sick fantasies...that's on you.
People can't do every sick thing that goes through their heads.
If this sicko isn't paid by BigHit and she willingly spends her day 24/7 promoting sick homosexuality and some crazy stories about an alleged marriage of Taehyung and Jungkook, who have been gaying on each other and married for years...then she has bigger mental issues as I thought.

The neurotic words she is using in this post aren't used for the first time. The moment someone dares to contradict this crazy gay shit, she writes - fuck you all bitches, fuck you antis, etc...
The mother of a child, a girl, she is forcing to become a sick gender dysphoric person, who will live a sick, unhealthy, and troubled life, because of sick parents.
She posted multiple pictures of her pushing sick gender dysphoria down her throat. She is the one using her minor daughter and exposing her, to cater to the pedophiles and gender dysphoric propaganda.

If want to know how real business is done, read my posts, rather than attacking things you don't know, such as wondering about BigHit allowing all this sick propaganda (there is another one, taekook-lives on YouTube) but at the same time going after people like sojang, or children just because "shipping" is a thing allowed in South Korea, but some things aren't, so exposing "idols" would damage the lies they are promoting.

Feel free to ask questions, if you don't know how this sick business works, but don't be that blind and naive to believe that the people involved are angels.

Isn't it obvious, at least based on the fact that BigHit and the members have expressed NO COMMENT about the 9th room? And other issues, real issues, unpleasant to hear? How about the Palestine issue?
No, because this entire business is conducted by criminals and puppets, such as BTS members, who only care to be praised for doing nothing.
If fans wouldn't be that sick and desperate, they wouldn't exist. Their success and the craziness of their fans are the reason, why so many women are being raped, abused, children raped and abused, transformed into mentally ill people, destroying the world and everything that used to be at least in some part, better than since all this sick homosexuality and promiscuity from the west started to infect our lives.

Talking about lies...I was sent this link

Looks healthy...how about the past 2 years, when he looked worse and worse, falling asleep with the candles around him..

As an example of this sick gay/gender dysphoria propaganda - wearing ladies’ purses. I bet Putin wears one too.


I was sent these pictures and told that maybe the guy next to Jimin in my previous post isn’t Jungkook. I am not sure. The picture in my previous post is of a low quality.
Are the people behind Jungkook his parents owning his money and giving him drugs, so that they can profit off of his wealth?

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More lies - it was not Namjoon who postponed his enlistment, it was BigHit, to fit their pocket. Singular, as in Bang. and the rest.

BTS RM’s Speech At The Military Graduation Ceremony Sparks Heated Debate Among ARMYs​


Serah S. Cherrie
14 hours ago
Many felt iffy about the content.
Recently, BTS members V and RM completed their basic training in the military and were selected as among the only six “Elite Graduate Trainees” recognized for their expectational performance in the 27th Recruit Training Regiment.

V (left) and RM (right) | @rkive/Instagram
In some of the videos posted online by family members of other soldiers in the same regiment, the BTS members were spotted receiving awards for this outstanding achievement at the graduation ceremony.

During the event, RM also delivered a speech through a pre-recorded video message, talking in detail about his experience in the military so far. He began his piece by saying that he had postponed his military enlistment for a long time and, hence, was anxious about many things as he entered his service at a relatively older age.

It’s true that I postponed my enlistment for a long time and felt a lot of anxieties and worries because of enlisting at a fairly older age. Because I entered late, most of my fellow comrades that I shared the dormitory with were young trainees who were about 10 years my junior.
— RM
The BTS rapper said that the comprehensive military training made him realize the importance of the defense forces in South Korea, which is a divided state currently in the midst of a ceasefire.

Thanks to the mental strength training, I realized the necessity of the military and the need for basic military training in the Republic of Korea, a divided and armistice country.
— RM
Looking back at his training period, RM said that one of the most memorable moments was the night march with his comrades.

I had many experiences that I otherwise couldn’t have been a part of had it not been for the Army Training Center. In particular, the night march I completed a few days ago is the most memorable. As I marched with my comrades all night, we looked at the stars and cheered each other on, and I was able to feel the camaraderie that I had only heard of before.
— RM
He also thanked the officers and platoon leaders who led him through the challenging training sessions and made it enjoyable for him.

Thanks to the great officers and platoon leaders, I was able to complete the unfamiliar military training in a rewarding and fun way.
— RM
In his concluding lines, RM said that a world without conscription might be ideal, but the current reality of South Korea requires the sacrifice of many to maintain a peaceful environment for its citizens.

It would be ideal to live in a world where no one needed to learn marksmanship, but I realized that the peace that South Korea has enjoyed for over 70 years was thanks to the noble sacrifice and dedicated efforts of many. I will do my best to carry out my duties for the remainder of my military service.
— RM
After the graduation ceremony, the video of RM’s speech became a hot topic, and multiple major media outlets even reported on it, stating that RM was said to have volunteered to give this speech. But ARMYs have expressed mixed opinions about it. On the one hand, many were skeptical about the authenticity of it all, even considering the possibility of it being coerced. Most of them pointed out that RM’s worldview, whatever he has shared so far publicly, does not align with the content.

On the other, some praised the speech, pointing out that he shared his positive experience with fellow younger trainees to reassure them of the unfamiliar enlistment process.

A third group of fans was overall critical of anyone engaging with the content in any capacity, pointing out that the speech was never meant for fans and, hence, should be outside of the boundaries of any debate or discussion.

In light of this current debate, many brought up RM’s old political poetry to put the situation into perspective. You can read more about it here.
Remember Jungkook in LA, out smoking week and all his lives where he was stoned?
Naturally the same rules don’t apply

Talking about deranged people pushing mental illnesses and the „taekook” crazy pornfiction for the mentally ill

It’s just sad how crazy they are, at the same time responsible for the evil that’s being perpetuated.
How easy it is to manipulate people, especially young ones, through the faces of some puppets like BTS

They want me to be reported and blocked for telling the truth…

They go free, as nothing ever happened, But Sojang is jailed…

If you go in a store and steal a 20,000 Chanel bag, you go to jail.
If you steal someone else’s music, nothing happens.
Hybe totally stole his music. But it’s also the guy’s fault, for not filling a police complaint. This is the reason, why rather than punishing a crime, so many musicians and artists are being ruined.
There should be a a law requiring the state/ state’s attorney to immediate prosecute anyone stealing someone else’s music, choreography, photography, etc.

I am simply going to quote the person who sent me the link for the correct comment here:
„Sounds like companies are running out of money to buy their own albums.”

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His acting is SOOOOOO embarrassingly bad. Sooooo bad...his fake forced heavy breathing, the "little princess" behaviour, as if HE was the girl in the video and the girl the boy protecting the girl. Jeeessssus.
Remember their MAMA or whatever it was, when they performed IDOL and I pointed out over the fact that they are told to fake "exhaustion" and always act as victims?
For Taehyung to become the princess of the video...this is so embarrassing.

View attachment badactingtaehyung.mp4
I like it when BigHit is dictating what fans should think, rather than them seeing through the endless fountain of lies, that BigHIt and Bang are promoting.
The (sex) staff is NOT shy. The sexstaff is flirting, sexually touching Jungkook, and he responds. Because of inappropriate interactions like this one, so many women are abused at their workspace.


  • sexstaffjungkook.mp4
    1 MB
This should be forbidden. There are many types of dances for children. Especially classical ballet. What you see here, is the standard material for pedophiles. It makes me vomit.

Jungkook's drug addict brother posting some weird creepy shit, and all he gets are Jungkook's fans liking his posts.

Meanwhile, he couldn't take care of Bam for Jungkook, who shouldn't have gotten himself a dog in the first place, unless you are the entire time at home. So they sent him to a dog shelter. Idiots.

I was looking over some dancing videos and boy, the level is so low and it's only getting worse with this editing software and recording the video on a lower speed, to make it look better.

It is not the first time I am bringing up this issue - Jin, someone much older than Jungkook back then, and an adult, was constantly abusing Jungkook - pinching his nipples, spending time with him alone, etc. As a parent, you intervene and don't allow an adult to sexually and physically abuse your child.
But for them - as long as they get paid, everything is ok.

View attachment aggt.mp4
  • So we have this weirdo Lea Salonga, I wrote about her in the past. An old lady, who is constantly posting about Jungkook.
Her captions to Jungkook's add:

  • Then, from Jungkookofficialupdate2 (don't let yourselves be fooled, this is a paid account BigShitLife):

  • Remember how they were ready-dressed for pedophiles? While they were minors, children.


  • They played the song because BTS is gay jew owned. All awards, all parties, and all festivities, are nothing but an evil show, awarding the good puppies.

View attachment peopleschoiceawardjew.mp4

  • Last but not least - living in denial.
Remember that staffer hooker purposely touching Jungkook in public, like people who have had sex, that are allowed to share intimate gestures?

Never mind the fact, that touching the opposite sex in Korea is forbidden. If not married/together in a relationship - not in the filthy Western way, where we f+++ today with someone, 4 hours later with someone else.

View attachment staffhooker.mp4
One of the themes here was BTS being jew masonic gay owned shortly after their beginnings.
"Begin" was released in 2016.
This is a list of their jewish foreign contributors, despite the fact, that SK had enough good songwriters for pop music at that time.


Their fans eat every lie BigHit is feeding them, including fake gay stories, such as - how the "guys" love each other so much, that they dedicate their own written songs from the albums to each other.
I am sure, that the propaganda BTS members received from Bang is sort of real, especially when it comes for Jungkook, because he had to be brainwashed to believe the band members are his "brothers" and Bang made sure, that d+++ sucker Namjoon is pushing the gaslighting on him and others.
Taehyung was next in line with the brainwashing, but his obsession with his parents, which is only the result of denial over the fact, that his parents used him and are using him for his money, and because his parents and brothers seem to be less of junkies, as opposed to Jungkook's family and brother, kind of protected him for a while.

Comments from one of their fansites

So Jungkook didn’t write the lyrics? Was he involved in making the song at all or just performs it?


Jungkook as well as all members were involved in any part of the process in the making of the solo songs. However I'm not sure why he isn't credited in any part.

Next topic is somehow related - after so many years, fans, or fake accounts, are using the same propaganda - they act, as if BTS appeared just yesterday on the market and everything is so special - if there were any truth in the propaganda of BTS being the biggest BOY BAND in the world, they wouldn't shit their pants, just because some jewish owned label and people are being played at their satanic masonic parties.
They use Jungkook for the copyrights, which the jews and the rest of the pedophile gay Satans are cashing in. Jungkook doesn't get any copyrights.
By the way, Zendaya's stylist is a gay sicko.

I told you, that you are making rich the worst of the kind of people.

Bang, BigHit, Hybe, BTS is making all the evil rich with your money.
They are owned and working for everyone on this list.


Your precious BTS darling still sends messages while in the army, posts on both professional and personal accounts, and engages with many people outside.
Their silence on Gaza is not related to them being out in the woods with no possibility to send a message but has very much to do with the fact, that they are shitting on you. All they care about is money. It doesn't matter if people are being killed for it, children are raped and murdered.

This goes for everyone, not just BTS. A bunch of grown men, still hanging around in the army, like children, unwilling to take responsibility for their actions, because of you, while you still find excuses for everything.
One could serve you the truth on a platter, you would still believe - poor babies, divest from zionist, BigHit/Hybe protect your artists, must protect at any cost, my babies, innocent, bla bla.
BTS fans, Army. You are still trying to defend BTS.
This will stop only if you stop purchasing BTS items and praise them constantly.
The genocide is funded partly by you.
You are still acting as if BTS is innocent, poor BigHit are victims and doing business with the wrong
people, when in fact they have been doing this for years.
They are the ones who approached the pedophiles, the abusers, the strippers, and the hookers, to work for them. Not the other way around.
Stop purchasing BigHit / Hybe and/or any other merchandise from companies owned by people committing and funding this genocide.
Stop ignoring the reality - BTS is not a group of babies, nor innocent people. You’ve seen them doing drugs, being surrounded by hookers, praising.
Pedophiles, gay psychopaths, and masons, engaging in and promoting satanic rituals, being owned by those people.
Whenever one radio station was making a correct statement, such as how they look gay, cannot sing, have shitty music, you thought you are so powerful with your attacks, that you managed each time to make them retract their words, when in fact BTS has always been a product owned by Jewish pedophiles and the elite, who was giving you the impression of being important.
Now you have the proof, that despite your messages and requests, which have been going on, ever since the Gaza genocide started, no-one listens, no-one cares about you.
Open your eyes. If you really care about the horrors that are going on in Gaza, where not only innocent people are being brutally killed, just so that Israel can do the usual, and steal land, steal from workers, steal properties, steal everything and kill people for more money and power (obviously this war is about territory and the natural resources there), but where children and young people your very own age, are being murdered.
with your help.
You are the ones who believed the lies of „Black Lives Matter”, a terrorist group owned by jews, sucking money out of you, because your darling BTS were used as puppets encouraging you to do so.
Take responsibility for your actions.


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First of all, thanks @boti for your many commentary & bringing understanding of what BTS truly represent.
You stated- "BTS has always been a product owned by Jewish pedophiles and the elite, who was giving you the impression of being important."
I always wondered when I first learned about them, why they dominated just about everything they touched when it came to the music charts, fashion, commercials, etc.- but thanks to your posts & others, they paid a very high price to be where they are, & the higher the price, the more we witnessed their decline in what they alleged they stood for.
As far as I'm concerned, I hope they don't go back to "business as usual" when they're done with military- but I'm waiting for the day they realize their being used as entertainment puppets & call out that K-industry that deceived them & other idols.
First of all, thanks @boti for your many commentary & bringing understanding of what BTS truly represent.
You stated- "BTS has always been a product owned by Jewish pedophiles and the elite, who was giving you the impression of being important."
I always wondered when I first learned about them, why they dominated just about everything they touched when it came to the music charts, fashion, commercials, etc.- but thanks to your posts & others, they paid a very high price to be where they are, & the higher the price, the more we witnessed their decline in what they alleged they stood for.
As far as I'm concerned, I hope they don't go back to "business as usual" when they're done with military- but I'm waiting for the day they realize their being used as entertainment puppets & call out that K-industry that deceived them & other idols.

Thank you for your comment.

As far as the "they paid a very high price to be where they are", as someone who has been there, I can confirm that they made a decision. They did not pay a price.
They agreed to wear girls' makeup and girls' clothes, to work with the people they work with, etc. As a boy band, appealing and being successful by offering material to young girls to phantasies over (which isn't necessarily bad), they could have used this influence to go their way. The reason why it came to this level of evilness, is because, in the pop world, people are desperate for fame because it doesn't require any work - they don't sing, they don't have to worry about anything, they don't even dance. They are literally puppets used for parasocial relationships.
Even while in the military, as I've said, they are still engaging with whatever is necessary for the company to earn even more money.
Jungkook and Taehyung could have both decided to not release anything, but they are still in a business relationship with these people because they decided so. They are responsible for everything released by BigHit HYBE, including projects not related to BTS, as BigHit / Hybe / BeLift, etc...wouldn't exist without BTS. Fans are following the news to anything BTS-related and they are aware of it.

"Back to business as usual" is already happening as we speak and they decide to be as guilty as any other criminal and pedophile. While putting on a "cute" "innocent" face and fans believing that they are somehow....not guilty. Just because they are being fed a cute Taehyung picture or a hooker video/picture of drugged tattooed Jungkook.