Cha Eun-Woo+ Astro

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I believe he has one for each minute. He is more insecure than a new born puppy and a weirdo sicko at the same time. It gives me the shiver whenever I see someone like this. He could be a cute guy doing something out of his life. He's going to end up with nothing in 10 years.
I still don't get it why he's always number one on all searches. I mean..there is better looking than him outthere and more interesting, even for this kind of slutty behaviour
He's definitely a chronic womanizer who changes women more often than he changes his shorts, sooner or later some hooker eager for fame will expose him and his precious career will be over, it's just a matter of time until that happens.

I suppose he has a very good PR team who's working overtime to keep him relevant in searches, that's my only explanation, he's their cash cow and they're gonna do whatever it takes to keep him relevant, it's a win win situation for everyone involved.
I agree there are better looking men than him in the industry, more interesting than him too, he's boring as hell, he's just lucky to have a better PR team than the rest, and he's pushed everywhere in people faces, at the end of the day he's just a manufacturered product/puppet, nothing about that man is genuine. From personality to popularity, everything is inflated to fool the masses.
From Pannchoa

The whole group (97 line) is filled with sex obsessed freaks 🤮

I mentioned this before, and now my suspicions with all those postings, are being confirmed - there is some serious support from behind the scene, for his behaviour to be simply allowed in the public and absolutely ZERO consequences.
His image is squeeze clean, similar to Beyonce's. This doesn't happen by accident or luck.
With his favorite sugar mommy 😏

The two lovebirds are inseparable 😍

It would be hypocrisy to criticize the age difference more, only because the woman is older.
It could be so, that sometimes people with a considerable age difference do fall in love.
What I don't feel comfortable with, is the normalization of interactions like this - a distance should be kept in any case. An older person is always to be treated differently and not all those old women touching younger men, or vice versa.

Eww 🤮🤮🤮

Naomi manages to discreetly appear in tight connection to the biggest criminals and pedophiles in the world. She and Oprah are /////ICONS////// indeed.

Apparently he is incredible smart....haha

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I realized, that what bothers me the most is him trying to act innocent, he looks like.a disgusting creep.
Him acting a bit more serious and not so desperate fake "I only act innocent cute boy, but you know I'm BAD", suits him better

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I was also sent this videos> him shaving his legs? guys, please stop it.

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and this last creepy opening of the segment, with the cameraman pointing to his dick

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I realized, that what bothers me the most is him trying to act innocent, he looks like.a disgusting creep.
Him acting a bit more serious and not so desperate fake "I only act innocent cute boy, but you know I'm BAD", suits him better
He looks like a disgusting creep no matter what he does.

He looks like a tryhard when he wears fake piercings and tries to pose as a cool&tough guy. I just can't take this weirdo seriously.

His facial expressions when he tries to look sexy make me laugh everytime 😂😂😂 He just looks like a cheap male stripper 😂😂😂
He looks like a disgusting creep no matter what he does.

He looks like a tryhard when he wears fake piercings and tries to pose as a cool&tough guy. I just can't take this weirdo seriously.

His facial expressions when he tries to look sexy make me laugh everytime 😂😂😂 He just looks like a cheap male stripper 😂😂😂

he's trying so hard ahahah
He looks like a disgusting creep no matter what he does.

He looks like a tryhard when he wears fake piercings and tries to pose as a cool&tough guy. I just can't take this weirdo seriously.

His facial expressions when he tries to look sexy make me laugh everytime 😂😂😂 He just looks like a cheap male stripper 😂😂😂

NO, that's too much. And that's how they all fail. They start with something to look at and then, quickly, become disgusting. If he would just try to be less disgusting, it wouldn't be that bad.

He's such a weirdo 😕

He has a huge deficit of respecting himself. his creepiness is accentuated by the trio he is associated with - minho, jungkook and himself. Was he always like this? Did it got worse at a certain point?

And a perv

He gives the same impression as far as perversity goes, as Jimin. And Jungkook.
Talking about cringy pervs

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uau. the difference. they all start "innocent"

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