Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

I was sent this link

my opinion on it:
BigHit doesn't want others to capitalize on BTS, which is their right to do so, I don't have anything to object to, except maybe the fact, that if I understand it correctly, other famous people are engaging in this activity as well, and I would assume there has to be some fun factor for the members to perform. They aren't paid by bang gay pedo for their performances, nor do they have anything to gain from the performances individually, they are monkeys paid to do as told.
So, the financial gain for the individuals would be lacking either way. Whether they perform or make 100 appearances, they are and were paid a fixed amount.
What I observe, as always, is Bang's thirst for money milking and not allowing anyone to touch them.
This being said, I remind you - if you believe, that they aren't surrounded by at least 20 people within the military, you are sicker than Bang.
I further stipulate that the enlisting was beneficial for Bang and BigHit. They have enough funds to throw away and try forcing other miserable k pop boy bands down the public's throat, always in some relation with BTS, because it's been 10 years and every article starts with: BigHit, the company/label behind BTS..., the members will come out even more popular because people think "poor babies" they have to endure so much, when in reality they aren't following any rules, and are only there for fun, were granted, and, similar to everything they've experienced, live parallel with reality, life, responsibilities, etc.
He purchased drugs for a quarter of a million of dollars ! And people think doing drugs, getting tattooed and drunk is "cute...

Lee Sun Gyun’s Agency Releases Statement On Drug-Related Accusations​

Lee Sun Gyun’s Agency Releases Statement On Drug-Related Accusations

Lee Sun Gyun’s agency has issued a statement in response to the drug-related allegations against him.

On October 19, Gyeonggi Shinmun reported that the Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency’s Narcotics Crime Investigation Unit is actively conducting an internal investigation against top actor L and seven others on charges of violating the Drugs Control Act. Shortly after, the police confirmed, “While investigating drug-related activities primarily within entertainment establishments in Gangnam, we obtained information that a celebrity is involved in drug use. We are currently conducting an internal investigation involving eight individuals including L, a male actor in his 40s.”

Following this, Gyeonggi Shinmun further reported that actor L had also supplied hundreds of millions of won to a drug supplier after being threatened. Confirming this, an official from the Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency stated, “It is true that L provided a significant amount of money to the drug supplier while engaged in marijuana use. We estimate the amount to be around 300 million won (approximately $221,900).”

As speculation grew around Lee Sun Gyun based on hints, Lee Sun Gyun’s agency HODU&U Entertainment has released the following official statement:

Hello. This is HODU&U Entertainment.
First and foremost, we would like to express our sincere apologies for the concerns caused by the reports regarding our artist Lee Sun Gyun.
Our company is currently in the process of verifying the specific facts related to the allegations raised against Lee Sun Gyun. We are committed to cooperating fully with any investigations conducted by relevant authorities with utmost sincerity and honesty in the future.
Additionally, Lee Sun Gyun has filed a complaint with the law enforcement agency against individual A, who is connected to the incident, for continuous blackmail and threats.
Future updates on this matter will be communicated through our legal representative. We ask for your understanding.
Furthermore, we intend to take strong measures against any malicious or false postings that may spread false information.
Once again, we extend our heartfelt apologies for causing concern.
Another example of how they promote and romanticize depression and - what a gay looser attitude.
If he can't handle with a normal attitude a release, whose success is already paid for by BigHit, in the same way, they faked their entire 10-year career, then he has problems bigger than the pimple he's imagining growing out of his newest haircut.

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South Korea, America, Europe...they don't want to do anything against drinking, drugs, pills.
During "corona" and the illegal, health-harming, useless curfews, where people were not allowed to leave their houses, unless for"work", not allowed to leave the city and shop in a different one, not allowed to leave or enter the country, drug trafficking has exploded.
How do you think this was possible, without the involvement of government, politicians, police, military, etc...When nobody was allowed to enter a country, how do you think shipments went through? UNNOTICED?

I blame not just the people in power, I blame the society, stupid fans and the famous people promoting this. From BTS to every other stupid actor, wanna-be singer, whatever "fashion" sick gay, out there putting out pictures, videos, etc, showing them drinking. And then fans copying their fanatic obsession, getting drunk all time, tattooed, etc.
Notice the THIRST and joy to consume drugs, alcohol, pills..

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Then, have BigHit show some self-pittying videos, which don't mean a thing. Untrained, lazy, embarassing. This is luxury for the muscles, nothing else.

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Oh, talking about the usual stuff....no reason to touch him. NO REASON at all. Fans think it is "cute", they have no idea about the sexorgies behind the stage

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Girls down their knees, with their asses out to be noticed...

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1) this ass kisser is weird and his fake palestina support is obvious. Wearing a t-shirt of Jungkook and kissing his ass for clout is 🤮
2) he can't dance, is fat, has no stability, "his" "choreography" looks like chopped testicles left unnoticed.
3) why is it that Jungkook's choreo is easier and half the speed than in this ass kisser's videos?
4) what's with the awful moves


Credit to the person who sent me those tweets.
BigShitJew sucking d=== and blocking news about Palestina crimes

People talk about SM, but it's crazy how little money BTS makes, given the billions Hybe is making solely on BTS's earnings.

I wrote the post below in September 2023 on allkpop. I have contacted them multiple times and asked to either release the post, or delete my account. They haven't responded to any of my emails.

Allkpop is paid by BigShit and other labels to promote them. IF they release anything, it is never real, never real news, never real information.


I preached for years now, that they are getting some weird "push" drugs.
Either way - Jungkook was severely sedated on stage.
Maybe now you understand what I was talking about.

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Taheyung's bad wig ruins the photo.
Not just the androgynous/girlie look.

When it comes to other bands, it's ok to expose them.

When it comes to BTS, it's....unclear. But they are always the victim.

BigShit / Bang PD makes tens of millions per concert. The tickets, merchandise, paid publicity, this only in regards to the real time earnings. Nevermind the entire dvds afterward.
I am stipulating that Bang Si-Hyuk is the one behind the scalpers selling tickets for 1000+$. Many artists have switched long time ago to verified tickets. For someone like Bang making money from every breath of the members, he would have immediately switch to verified tickets only out of spite, due to the fact, that someone else is making money and not him.
They never made any attempts to fight the scalpers, but try to silence people who exposed their dirty business, such as the incident of blackmail, when a BigHit employee paid money to silence a person having proof, that they buy their own CD's in order to appear successful.

From this article:

Daniel SanchezSeptember 6, 2017

BTS' Label Accused of 'Illegal Marketing' In Dirty Blackmailing Episode' Label Accused of 'Illegal Marketing' In Dirty Blackmailing Episode

BTS’ label, Big Hit Entertainment, has denied any wrongdoing. Yet, what exactly did the now-jailed CEO claim to have found?​

Earlier today, the CEO of a contracting firm received a one year prison sentence for blackmailing BTS’ label, Big Hit Entertainment. The CEO, referred to as ‘Lee,’ had threatened to publicly reveal the agency’s “illegal marketing.”

In an e-mail to Big Hit Entertainment, Lee wrote,

Reports initially stated that Big Hit Entertainment had paid off the CEO. In an official statement, however, the agency denied that it gave any money to the blackmailer. Instead, a Big Hit employee transferred money to Lee in an attempt to protect artists.

The agency said,

Big Hit also acknowledged that it had once worked closely with Lee. In addition, the agency specified that Lee allegedly came across “inappropriate marketing documents.” The company didn’t specify what the documents contained.

“Lee was tasked with advertising and handling marketing for albums two years ago, and it ended as a one-time project. Afterwards, Lee claimed that he found inappropriate marketing documents and made threats of blackmail against us.”​

A judge presiding over the case wrote that Lee had found a company secret and condemned his attempted blackmail.

In their statement, Big Hit clarified that the CEO’s attempted blackmail ultimately led to his downfall. It also added that the company has “legitimate dealings with external companies.”

The agency has also issued an apology to BTS members and fans (better known as ARMY).

In the wake of the controversy, Xsports News has questioned BTS’ legitmacy.​

In a blunt piece, Xsports News reporter Jeon Won questioned whether these ‘illegal practices’ included fabricated hashtag votes for BTS. And ultimately, ‘voter fraud’ of a different sort. Here’s what Won wrote:

With the accusations of illegal marketing practices, BTS’ eligibility for the ‘Top Social Artist’ award comes to suspicion. The winner of the award is determined by the hashtag votes and BTS has received more than 300 million. However, some netizens are now questioning the legitimacy. If the marketing took place with the use of part-time employees (to increase votes), then it’ll be fair for BTS to return the trophy.”

ARMYs have since demanded an apology from Won for suggesting that Big Hit fabricated votes for the popular group.

Image by Ajeong_JM (CC by 4.0)

They covered the entire story with a lie, that the employee did this without Bang knowing about it.
Let me explain you how things work in a company: every transaction over this amount, sent out to a private person, has to be approved by the finance department and the CEO.
This isn't even the biggest problem.
Fact is that, given the severity of the situation, there must have been multiple people within BigHit involved in the story, who decided what to do.
The company has been printed out lies for years, got used to it and it's getting worse. If they would have been at least half sincere up front and said - yes, the company at that time decided it is in the best interest of the company and the band to pay the blackmailer, then it would have been at least some credibility in it.
Saying that while the entire company was blackmailed, the employee decided to make on his own a decision involving the future of the company (because BTS IS the company) and pay, from the company's account, to a private person, without Bang Si-Hyuk approval??

I further stipulate, that he also has agreements with diverse “private” photographers (not including dispatch), who are selling high-def pictures of Taehyung and Jungkook from concerts. Those "private accounts" wouldn't be legally allowed to sell the pictures, without consent. So, that's another way how they make money behind the back.
I can’t even begin to imagine how much more evil and money sucking projects he’s having behind the scenes.

Giving his pedopphile homosexual agenda, one would probably find a lot of pornographic material of Taehyung and Jungkook - for God's sake, he filmed them while sleeping together in the dorm, the pictures with Jungkook resting his head on Taheyung's penis (those were later removed after some complaints), all that while Jungkook was a minor.

A guy has multiple erections during the sleep. I wonder where this material is hidden and what Bang and his gay pedophile gang did with it, where they distributed the recordings.
Do you think Bang Pedo was so kind and not sold and distributed the 18+ material amongst gay pedophile friends?
Do the investors know about the existence of those videos? Are they involved?

How can an adult have video material of underage boys and not be arrested?
I posted the videos in a previous post.

Remember how he grabbed Jimin's ass in public display??

If not, here you go:

View attachment 127

Another issue is the hookers staffers eating together with the members, sharing the same fork, the saliva, sharing lipstick - nevermind the fact that it’s disgusting, but highly contagious and dangerous.

And don’t make me start with that other creep. Manager Seokjin I believe it’s his name. The tall one. He looks like a serial rapist and very creepy. He is everywhere spying on them. Since early beginnings.


How do you think stalkers/sasaengs are getting access to BTS’s or other groups personal information? Or even get in their room? - Staff selling out those information. There was a video with a stalker saying and proving with pictures how she as others are buying those information and material from the staff.

The girls working for BTS as staff are as obsessed with them as the rest of the stalkers.

No one from nth room will get exposed. BTS is not BTS. The members. BTS is Bang, the drugdealer of a cousin of his running Netmarble now, who was laundering money through his game center before, sponsors, the Gay Mafia, pedophiles needing BTS for their agenda. At the top - the government and the president.

They all are making billions yearly from BTS. 7 puppets used for their sick agenda.
Yet they brag about how "generous" they were, giving BTS a bonus over some 15 millions for renewing the contract?

Simply the fact that none of them have aggressively, insistently and repeatedly asked for the names of the victims of Nth room to be exposed, says it all.

“Love my self./ Love yourself.”

What a crap.
he s_+_ed Jungkook's and Bang's dick, acted all "palestinian" friendly and now he's releasing music?

I am afraid the "scale" law is pushing more into bringing the American leftist ideology of fat people as the new normal into the public's eye

South Korea introduces Landmark Law to safeguard rights of young K-pop trainees; Focused on preventing physical and mental harm​

etimes.in / Updated: Jan 14, 2024, 14:35 IST
South Korea introduces Landmark Law to safeguard rights of young K-pop trainees; Focused on preventing physical and mental harm

The Seoul Metropolitan Council has enacted a new law to safeguard the human rights of young trainees. The Ordinance on the Protection and Supports of the Rights and Interests of Young Cultural Artists in Seoul was successfully approved during the 321st regular plenary session in December of the preceding year, marking a significant step towards enhancing the ethical standards and welfare measures within the dynamic realm of K-Pop training, reports Koreaboo.
Proposed by Councilor Kim Gyu Nam from the People Power Party, the law is specifically tailored for Seoul, where a staggering 82.3% of South Korea's 4,774 entertainment agencies were registered and operating as of September the previous year. The ordinance aims to fill the institutional gaps in Seoul, addressing the lack of frameworks to protect the rights of aspiring idol trainees. It particularly targets harmful practices like forced weight loss and plastic surgery that have been prevalent in the industry.
The new law reportedly grants the city council the authority to conduct psychological assessments and provide counseling for trainees, offering vital support to mitigate stress triggers and promote the overall well-being of these young talents. This move is anticipated to foster a healthier environment within the K-Pop training system, protecting the rights and interests of young cultural artists.
According to Koreaboo, former AOA member Seolhyun had revealed that she was told to maintain a weight of 48kgs by her agency, despite being 167m tall. TWICE member Momo had also reportedly addressed her weight loss journey which began before her debut. "I didn’t eat anything for the whole week and went to the gym all the time. I spat all the time so there was no water in my body. And when I laid down on the bed and tried to sleep, I was scared that I wouldn’t wake up again, so I suddenly started crying," she was quoted in the report.
I told you BigHit will send them along with a whole army of staffers and film everything.
I also believe that this taekook_rainbow account is a bighit paid account. I've been following her for years now, it's 24/7 promo of a relationship between Taehyung and Jungkook. The woman is sick, she also has a daughter that she's dressing and giving her hair cuts for a boy, to promote gender dysphoria. On her on daughter..

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I told you BigHit will send them along with a whole army of staffers and film everything.
I also believe that this taekook_rainbow account is a bighit paid account. I've been following her for years now, it's 24/7 promo of a relationship between Taehyung and Jungkook. The woman is sick, she also has a daughter that she's dressing and giving her hair cuts for a boy, to promote gender dysphoria. On her on daughter..

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Do you know why there was no pictures of JK and jm on the ceremony after basic training?
Do you know why there was no pictures of JK and jm on the ceremony after basic training?
I would assume it is because:
  • Jungkook is the most valuable member and they use all the material for themselves
  • he is surrounded by a cascade of staffers posing as soldiers in training, to keep everyone away from him
  • his drug and alcohol addiction must be protected and he needs the drugs, so it must be ensured that he gets his stuff without anyone noticing, meaning the government and BigHit have people around all places there
  • in the foto leaked, he looks very strange
EVERYONE is using "queer" and "gay-baiting."
I always had the feeling, that IU is one of the biggest farce, lying ass-kisser in the industry.

IU Comes Under Fire For Allegedly “Queer-Baiting” With Her Song Title, “Love Wins”​


Jasmine Turner
She has angered a few members of the community.

IU recently teased her new single with BTS’s V, “Love Wins.”

As much as many are excited over the collaboration and new music, a portion of the public have taken issue to the title. “Love Wins” is a phrase that is strongly and commonly linked to LGBTQ+.
Google search result.
Disappointed members of the public brought up the topic. They accused her of queer-baiting.

IU wants to pretend that “Love Wins” is about how cuteness and being friendly will save the world, using a light-hearted disguise. But as you can observe from her past marketing strategies, just as how she always is, her intentions are too transparent. It’s a pity and it’s disappointing.
— Para_ti_1
Others point out that the meaning of the phrase is obvious, despite her fans rebuffing that the singer is merely refering to the general message of love.
Ultimately, she did not announce any context of LGBTQ+, and put forth an image of hetero love on the front, while inciting a possible interpretation of “support for LGBTQ+.” We call this queer-baiting, and people are already concluding that they don’t like this instead of agreeing with and supporting it. I think IU knows this too?
— Pinktail_butt
Despite the backlash, many fans have insisted that IU has always been using the slogan throughout her career.
She used “ Love wins”and “Love shall prevail over haters” over and over in her interviews and speech so what’s the problem now?
They just want to start a hate train for a successful woman bc how could they criticize a title when they don’t even know the content of the song?
— M💜 Love Wins (@schattigIU) January 16, 2024

Her company has not yet responded to the backlash.
They go after Sojang, but not after stalkers and hooker staffers, who are posing a real threat to them, because that's how they make their money. It's thanks to those fans, who don't leak anything, but keep it to themselves, that they make money.
Haven't you noticed, how, despite them being stalked for 10 years now, never has anything come to light? What do you think that happens to all their recordings..?
Sojang was probably a stand-alone person, that they could attack, for publishing at least in some margin real stuff.
