Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

Ever since discovering BTS, I asked, now and then, the opinion of Muslim acquaintances. You can't watch a naked man, while at the same time preaching about your religion and wearing a hijab.


You definitely cannot scream BigHit this and BigHit that,"divest from zionism". Deal with yourself, your phantasies, and your issues, before funding the war in Gaza, at the same time expect BigHit to cover your parasocial ass.
I hope you realize, that this is only to fool people, who don't understand what's going on. AND, to divert your attention from the real issue - those bastards are funding the genocide with your money.
It doesn't matter if those people are giving themselves a salary, or not. They are billionaires. It's their money.
That's like saying - I am paying my housekeeper to clean my house and look at me, I am so kind - at the same time, I am not paying myself anything.

Another thing, that caught my attention - their fans, who can barely speak, made an entire thing out of the quote "DIVEST from zionism". Which proves this being again an inside propaganda. Carefully chosen words, with no meaning, no sense, a word which sounds "professional", not on the level of their psychopaths-fans, who, even if Bang would come out and say what I have been telling you for years, that they are promoting the worst in this world, that their money goes to all the pedophiles and rapists, you would still beg Bang to release BTS content, to feed your idiotic parasocial relation.

Removing Scooter doesn't change a thing. They can remove him on paper, but he would still be part of the company, owning the masters and copyrights to Jungkook's music and whatever else BTS recorded under him because as I've presented in the past, their entire Jewish connection started soon after the band was put together.
They can do things on the outside, but they won't ditch their money for you. And as long as you are so stupid, and you still purchase and stream their content, it's only going to get worse.

Scooter Braun doesn't care for a bunch of fake accounts and some desperate fans, because he knows already what I've written above.
You proven this for the last 6 months.
I was sent earlier yesterday a tweet from a fan thinking that they are so powerful, that BigHit lowered the shipping prices, when in fact they apparently changed the supplier.
Even if they would cut some costs of the merchandise, the problem is YOU BUYING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

You don't need to spend hours organizing anything. Sending letters, wasting time.

Remember that sicko "Taekook" fan? Sometimes thinking, doing, and being obsessed with sick things, gets in your face.

It's one
Donations help me finance my life and this work here, which I am doing for free.
Rather than buying some stupid music and BTS merch, if you would donate even 1% of it here on the page and include my username - "boti" - I receive the full payment after the merchant fees have been deducted.
Even writing one post takes time and more detailed subjects, such as BigHit financial reports took me months to complete.
This isn't just BTS related, this is all my knowledge after being in this business for a looooong long time. Enough to recognize patterns, lies fed to the public, the meaning of a stock going up or down, or things like you thinking that by streaming Jungkook\s album you are helping him - you are only helping Bang, Scooter, and the rest of the criminals.
Jungkook doesn\t own shit of the music.
People don't make money by selling music.
This is how copyrighting fees work> you get money for : composer, video, audio, performer. So you get 4 times a fee.
Then you get copyrights, sometimes even 2EUR per a few seconds (usually 20-30( of a song featured/played anywhere in the stores, or radio.
Additional big fees apply if this is a top radio show, the hour, time of the day. Of course, streaming Jungkok at 6 AM in the morning on a radio station won't get as much copyright, as streaming it during high hours, traffic intensity, and big audience number.
The same applies to performances.

Let's say Jungkook would have had the balls to have a normal contract and stand by what he himself believes to be "important status".
He would have gotten paid maybe a fee over 250,000 USD to perform at Times Square, his latest performance. I estimate.
He would have made since then at least 1,5 million just from the copyrights and image fee.
Nearly 2 mil for nothing.

But no. All the money goes into Bang and Scooter pockets.

You wouldn't help someone like me, a failed musician, to keep exposing and writing about what goes on in the music industry, but you pay to see BTS content...Even if you are all 16 years old, you should know better, than be fooled like this.
Talking about the same network of people.
Justin Bieber + Jay Park.

What. You think this is just some random collaboration between two people.

Do you know why BTS had a collaboration with Halsey?
Oh, look who's responsible for destroying humankind. The Jews. What a coincidence. Again.
Yann LeCun was a few days ago on that Mossad little boring boytoy Lex Fridman's Podcast.


p.s. DO NOT vote for Trump

yes, it's quite the same shit

Initially, I only wanted to point out the disgraceful cheap prostitute outfit, but then discovered that one of the members is even a minor. Good Lord.

Do you recognize multiple choreographies from BTS in this band's video? Because there is nothing new in their choreo. As always, lazy stoned BTS hidden gay choreographers using BTS choreography from different songs.
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What a disgrace, while you people still think, that they are innocent.
Promoting mental diseases, looking like a girl, promoting promiscuity, and the continuous agenda of turning men into sick gays.
This is NOT how a 30 year old should look, and he is responsible for promoting promiscuity and homosexuality to his underage fans. But keep yelling at Bang and Scooter, while thinking that BTS is innocent babies.

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Great manipulation...cheap hooker wearing LOVE earrings. Having a boyfriend in the picture, because that's what it implies, but sleeping with another guy as well, together with her boyfriend, threesome, while the parents, grandparents, and family are supportively watching this pornographic scene.

WHAT A DISGRACE. And disgust.

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Another disgraceful and disgusting finding - look at this video, where it should be about women, where the center and actually the only subject is a sick gay man.

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Since Ryan Gosling's Ken popped out on my timeline (no, I haven't watched another gay jewish studded masonic satanic show filled with people who think they've CREATED something), newsflash to the fake "power-couple" Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes.
Eva Mendes is a nobody, a girl who f+++++ left and right everyone to get some roles in movies, while sucking at it and enforcing a false hypocritical "privacy" and "oh, I am so special" on Ryan Gosling, who is one of the best paid actors in Hollywood.
Of course, next to him the difference is obvious, especially then when people still act, as if they are both on the same level.
To hide her failure, after f++++++ around with no success, Eva acts all "private" and talks about how she decided to quit her career, to take care of her kids. While having nannies and parents additionally taking care of two girls, who are dressed up in the homosexual flag...
But coincidentally she is the one doing the talking. Not him.
She snatched herself a guy stupid enough to be fooled by it and in order to avoid him cheating on her, they are "private" and don't go to parties.

Having kids does not mean you cannot work, honey.
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Talking about the same network of people.
Justin Bieber + Jay Park.

What. You think this is just some random collaboration between two people.

Do you know why BTS had a collaboration with Halsey?

This is the 1st time I'm ever hearing this song.
At 1st I thought the song was called Coogie w/Justin Bieber f/Jay Park- while I was listening I thought Justin was singing Korean, & but the artist is Coogie (never heard of him until now).
Someone in the comments even asked why Coogie named the song "Justin Bieber", & the reply was "Because he had no idea of a name, so he put Justin Bieber."
And why did BTS colab w/Halsey other than maybe LGBTQ agenda?
Good Luck with "army is our girlfriend" and once again...this entire obvious agenda, of having them interacting and mimicking love stories with strangers, is a strategy meant to mock the fans, as well as mocking and destroying the meaning of a relationship.
You don't have to touch the opposite sex, to shoot a music video. You also don't have to be in the video. Plenty bands don't even appear in the story of the video.Very often they appear only as the singing band. The rest is up to the actors.

talking about masons. Will update later on that topic

This is the 1st time I'm ever hearing this song.
At 1st I thought the song was called Coogie w/Justin Bieber f/Jay Park- while I was listening I thought Justin was singing Korean, & but the artist is Coogie (never heard of him until now).
Someone in the comments even asked why Coogie named the song "Justin Bieber", & the reply was "Because he had no idea of a name, so he put Justin Bieber."
And why did BTS colab w/Halsey other than maybe LGBTQ agenda?

I never heard of the song either. It was by looking into something else.

BTS Halsey promoting everything gay and pedophilic was the main reason, but also to introduce someone who hinted from the beginning as being gay, as a prop to get fans used to female interaction, while not making them believe, that they aren't their...girlfriends.
It was also for the stupid members to encourage them to a loose lifestyle, parties and drugs.

Bang not only fooled the fans with this move, but also BTS. Who went from respectfully greeting women by not touching them, to having them sitting on their laps in each video, having their junk touched by one of the female cast members.
With Jimin it was the dancer, with Jungkook it was that actress sitting on his lap, with Taehyung - multiple girls.
Stupid Taehyung now gets official the image of being a sick perverted gay.

Fans went after any girl interacting with them, not Halsey / because she publicly stated that she is gay.
If anyone else had touched the members in their video, or walked in underwear in front of them, as she did in the promo, the video and the production would have been sacked by the fans. And their career over. No crazy rich fan would fund something like this.

but Halsey was the first introduction for both fans, as well as the members, to bad things.
I never heard of the song either. It was by looking into something else.

BTS Halsey promoting everything gay and pedophilic was the main reason, but also to introduce someone who hinted from the beginning as being gay,

Bang not only fooled the fans with this move, but also BTS. Who went from respectfully greeting women by not touching them, to having them sitting on their laps in each video, having their junk touched by one of the female cast members.
With Jimin it was the dancer, with Jungkook it was that actress sitting on his lap, with Taehyung - multiple girls.
Stupid Taehyung now gets official the image of being a sick perverted gay.

Fans went after any girl interacting with them, not Halsey / because she publicly stated that she is gay.
If anyone else had touched the members in their video, or walked in underwear in front of them, as she did in the promo, the video and the production would have been sacked by the fans. And their career over. No crazy rich fan would fund something like this.

but Halsey was the first introduction for both fans, as well as the members, to bad things.
The part where you stated: "as a prop to get fans used to female interaction, while not making them believe, that they aren't their...girlfriends. It was also for the stupid members to encourage them to a loose lifestyle, parties and drugs."

I agree & reminded me of RM's "Do You" video- from 0:57-1:00 - his response to the girl, along with the other mixed messages.

The song "Smoke Sprite: is also similar- I still couldn't comprehend that song, but other people have said it's about AI/fantasy sex.
Even when reading So!YoON! & RM's interview, their responses seemed like they were flirting with each other.

And then comes along V's Friends vid which just by looking at the 2 teasers released, it's as confusing & depressing as Jimin's Like Crazy.

This behavior was taking place even before fans caught on to what they were doing- and it seems so more with their SOLO releases more than their group releases...
Good Luck with "army is our girlfriend" and once again...this entire obvious agenda, of having them interacting and mimicking love stories with strangers, is a strategy meant to mock the fans, as well as mocking and destroying the meaning of a relationship.
You don't have to touch the opposite sex, to shoot a music video. You also don't have to be in the video. Plenty bands don't even appear in the story of the video.Very often they appear only as the singing band. The rest is up to the actors.

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The army is our girlfriend never bode with me- they always mocked ARMY, never "loved" them.
Even in their song "Pied Piper"- they said:

It's dangerous so it's better
You know deep inside
You can't stop it now (You can't stop)
So be honest with me now
Stop, now stop watching and study for your test
Your parents and boss hate me
Video clips, pictures, tweets
V app, Bon Voyage
I know, you can't help what you like
But stop, interpret the music video later
You have so many pictures of me in your room anyway
It's not just one hour, it's a whole year that'll disappear
So this song is a reward I'm giving to you

Follow the sound of the pipe, follow this song
It's a bit dangerous but I'm so sweet
I'm here to save you, I'm here to ruin you
You called me, see? I'm so sweet
Follow the sound of the pipe

To follow the "sound of the pipe" was fans following BTS & in exchange for "Fake Love" in return.
Fans "loved them so bad, loved them so bad"...
The army is our girlfriend never bode with me- they always mocked ARMY, never "loved" them.
Even in their song "Pied Piper"- they said:

It's dangerous so it's better
You know deep inside
You can't stop it now (You can't stop)
So be honest with me now
Stop, now stop watching and study for your test
Your parents and boss hate me
Video clips, pictures, tweets
V app, Bon Voyage
I know, you can't help what you like
But stop, interpret the music video later
You have so many pictures of me in your room anyway
It's not just one hour, it's a whole year that'll disappear
So this song is a reward I'm giving to you

Follow the sound of the pipe, follow this song
It's a bit dangerous but I'm so sweet
I'm here to save you, I'm here to ruin you
You called me, see? I'm so sweet
Follow the sound of the pipe

To follow the "sound of the pipe" was fans following BTS & in exchange for "Fake Love" in return.
Fans "loved them so bad, loved them so bad"...
Pied Piper's lyrics sound like pedophilic soft-porn. I like the song, but the lyrics creep me out. Good, that I can't understand Korean.
I always wonder how sick their parents must be, they are the ones giving them the money and allowing them access to BTS related content.