Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

I wrote about Jungkook’s issues with drugs, alcohol, psych meds, weight fluctuations, poor diet and exercise. Who ever is „coaching” him, is doing a horrible job.
He gained a lot of fat and lost a lot of muscles. He obviously stopped training, not just him talking about not training anymore, but also stopped doing weights.
Despite all the edits, it is visible, that he does not have the abs in the Calvin Klein ads, as defined as they were edited and probably also painted.

This is what real muscles look like.
Let me tell you another thing about Jeremy Allen White - he is short. He is short, he has short legs, but he looks like a man and has real muscles. Compare this with the edited version of Jungkook, where his abs where artificially added, and then think about how he turned out to be so drug-dependent, that from a person trying to present the best out of him to the public, he couldn't even leave drugs and alcohol out for one damn month, enough to train and look like Sylvester Stallone.
He didn't care. So they had to make him look like Dora, some sort of weird-looking girl, with no muscles, but skinny fat.

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As I've said - shower the fans with content, that's all they want


There is this app called kleinanzeigen, were people buy and sell privately. It used to be called ebay kleinanzeigen, now only anzeigen. While I never even searched for anything BTS-related and this is not a featured or sponsored product, nevertheless thanks to the spying codes in our phones, somehow the algorithm showed me this auction for a DVD the seller wants fucking 200 Euros for.

Another proof of how these guys destroyed everything good about them. How their laziness and thirst for fame gut the worst out of each of them.
Taehyung was quite good in Hwarang and I’ve watched all the scenes with him.

Forwarding a few years later, his acting is utterly bad, in everything - video, interviews, postings on reverse, etc., trying to mimic what stupid people nowadays call „cool”, that it is unbearable to watch.

View attachment wetff.mp4

His new song is bad. Simply bad.
The video....well I talked about it earlier.
His singing has developed up to a point where he's on the same level as Jimin, making me think - please, stop opening your mouth. Every single note attack is something of a weird sound-making attempt. His English hasn't improved and it's not that I am really bothered by it, but the poor singing, this weird sound that he is attempting whenever he starts a phrase, annoys so much, and his poor English skills are worsening the whole situation.

Music isn't about gathering fucking 25 thousand dollars to buy the same shit of a song, from which jewish masters are funding their wars. Stupid fans still don't want to accept their fault and get rid of their nuts parasocial relationship

IT IS NOT REAL, stupid.

Stupid fans think they achieved something, when in fact they are openly being mocked. And HYBE executive is also jewish, stupid. EVERYONE IS.

Talking about skinny-fat and the picture in the article above- what's with the weight gain of the ssearfim members? They all look fat, bloated, and untrained.
While complaining about how "hard" it is?
Look at some damn ballerinas, stupid.


good to know:

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Remember when I talked about both pedos Jared Leto and Leonard DiCaprio?

They are both in a relationship with children - both are 49 and 52 years old and their girlfriends are 25.

Jared 52 years old, girlfriend - 22 :


Leonardo 49 years old, girlfriend 25:

Interesting. Yoongi seems to be the second BTS member after Jungkook, with the most time per song?

View attachment qwe2.mp4

Look at the symbols. Some of them appeared in BTS's videos.

One of my postings mentions how BTS became famous, once they served the jewish gay pedophilic agenda. Around 2015- 2016, after they were already "handling" the situation since 2013.

Look what I discovered - an article from 2016 - LGBTASFBAKJFB ER STRUGGLE?? being a pervert and a criminal is not a STRUGGLE, stupid. It's CRIME.
BTS openly mocking God in their videos, as it is customary in the masonic world.
And you stupid people still think "BTS are babies, must protect them at any cost"

Another example of a deadbeat ass loser, who cannot sing, cannot dance, a failed attempt at recreating Michael Jackson, while being a lazy ass. Someone who throws out all his money to spend hours daily in a casino, isn't someone who works.
Singers, ballet dancers, and musicians require daily practice. Hours over hours of practice. You don't have time for anything else.
No thousands of photo shootings daily, like kpoopers, no gambling, no partying, no drugs, no bad behavior, no pills, no alcohol, etc.
One needs to be at the highest physical and mental level, to be able to work fully concentrated a large number of hours.
Even one meal too late in the evening, can through your exercise the next day.

More gay pedophilic propaganda - after their embarrassing failure, the german national football team, who doesn't call themselves anymore the German national team...is now promoting even more gayness by wearing pink shirts for the upcoming home game.


View attachment gaw352.mp4

This was so embarrassing. We call it "peinlich" in german.

Continuing with the hidden truth behind BTSs success - yesterday I mentioned their gay propaganda and the jewish connection.

In 2016 Taheyung wrote on their fan cafe, that he likes Ryan mcginley who makes disgusting nude pictures of gays kissing.


Tumblr discussion below - beware the text is from the post directly, not my comments, you will recognize by the fact that their fans are easily influenced to support something sick and also promiscuity.

Anonymous asked:
So..wait what do you mean taehyung basically said he had jimins nude on his phone? Hahah Im so curious now

Well, the whole thing comes from a late night conversation on Vlive that Vmin had back in 2017. (Why do they always have this need to talk in open forums and thirdwheel all of ARMY?)

Taehyung is a big fan of the gay photographer Ryan McGinley, and in this conversation he basically threatens to release photos he has of Jimin that are “Ryan McGinley-like”.


Because Ryan McGinley is mostly known for his nude photography (as well as LGBT+ photography) and combined with the fact that Taehyung makes it sound like a threat (aka not just upload normal cool photos of Jimin) made fans think he meant nudes. The full conversation also seem to point at Taehyung and Jimin talking at the same time privately and Taehyung asking if he can show some photos, that Jimin doesn’t seem to agree with.

So because of this many fans basically assumed what Taehyung meant was that he had nudes of Jimin on his phone. However of course this is not confirmed, but again the way they talked about it made it seem like it wasn’t just any photos. Especially since we have examples of Taehyung posting things he called “Ryan McGinley” photos before taken during BV1 and they seem very normal and not something Jimin would object to.

I hope this answered your question. I mean, of course it is just speculation, but it’s still worth considering. It’s also another examples of Taehyung being a big fan and outspoken about it when it comes to liking people that are LGBT+.
From a different article that I've discovered - this was Taehyung's profile picture -

First of all - Lord, please forgive me.

Watching this campaign, shot by the same two disgusting gays, I have to ask - how come, that Jungkook's campaign was such a disaster?
Well, it is an ironic question. The stupid team was sooooo god damn obsessed with using them for the transgender psychopaths, that instead of bringing the best out of him, the campaign really brought the worst out - too much makeup, ugly face, skinny fat, bora dora look, ill-fitted clothes, and Jungkook who was visibly uncomfortable in taking his clothes off.
Look at the differences between Jungkook's walking and attitude, and Jeremy's.
In the Grand Central add Jungkook is too aggressive, from too much drugs that they pumped him with, and even the "cool" I'm pissed off look in both their faces gives away the drugged Jungkook vs Jemery, who, by the way, has to undergo alcohol testing 3 times a week and attend AA meetings, as part of his agreement with his ex-wife, to see his kids.

Jeremy is visibly natural in his walking, attitude and even connection with the camera, while everything involving Jungkook is simply wrong. And I blame everyone here. That's what happens, when you try to push an agenda, rather than just let the god damn commercial be.

There is this user, nawithlluv, a crazed hysteric and hypocritical obsessed fan, who tries everything to get BigHit’s attention by using Gaza projects.
This user was suspicious to me, because of the all useless fake yelling at BigHit.
It turns out I was right. This BTS obsessed nutjob was all about getting BigHit’s attention, hoping Bang is going to hire a CRAZED unstable fan, as PR for the company??
She also tried to get a job with that „actress” in Jungkook’s 7 video. Sohee?


One of the things I keep on remembering to you relates to this manipulation of playing the victim and repeating over and over and over again "I work so hard".
It is known, that BTS and Beyonce, the laziest people in this business, with the most horrible deluded fans, are the ones who constantly repeat "I work so hard".
What the hell was Taehyung "working" on "so hard" here?? He was filming his bad acting for a 5-minute video.
