Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

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Let me tell you a little story - we had a famous (had as in „famous”, and not famous anymore) footballer called Adrian Mutu. He was a drug addict and alcoholic. Mourinho and Abramovich were aware of it. The guy was quite good at what he was doing and also looking ...kinda...good. Not my taste, but you know...young, great bod, etc.
Fame got to his head, got into a fight with Mourinho and his career was over, because, being aware of his drug abuse, Mourinho ordered a drug test, which he failed.

Not only is EVERYONE in a company aware of the drug and alcohol abuse of their respective „artist”, but they are also the ones providing it. That’s how they keep the addicts in the company. Or do you think, that an addict would want to deal with people preventing him/her from using drugs and alcohol??
This way, the company can easily get rid of the artist, keep the revenue, and act as if they are not guilty.
You know what? I can’t blame them. No excuses for drug addicts, alcoholics, people who refuse to work, and those responsible for victims of trafficking.

I estimate that 90% of the hookers and pimps surrounding BTS members are addicts. Obviously, Jimin and Jungkook have been addicts for years now.
If BigHit wants to shut down rumors, have them have their blood and hair tested.

Not surprised, they are sorrounded by those toxic people..
Misty Copeland is so bad as a ballet dancer, that she wouldn't even pass for the first line in an amateur dance studio.
But she is there, as a principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre, proving that she clearly has no idea about ballet not just through body movements, but also ideas and claims that the color of the ballet shoes is "European pink" because the world is racist. And she is out there fighting for the rights of ...whatever ethnic food she ate last night.
The fact that she's as stiff as my broken window and has no place on stage, doesn't seem to bother her.
Her hands and pirouettes look as if Geppetto ran out of wood and had to use stones to make it stick, there is no emotion, no technique.
At least we have the "European Pink". Thank God for that. Otherwise, not even for a Pussycat Doll lookalike in her late 60s would she be good enough.

View attachment Misty Copeland bad ballet.mp4
This ad popped out in my timeline. I was confused, as it didn't look like a girl, nor a boy and then I saw the name. Hyunjin.
Can we have some real commercial back on track? With REAL men?
Not another gay fuckery.


Nor do I want to see this stupidity of trying to look cool by pulling devil signs and masonic symbols.

Always the same excuses - I will work hard, next time, I wasn't satisfied, I messed up, I made mistakes, Sorry Army.

"superstars" who can't sing. Why the hell are you going on the stage, then?

Notice how, barely arrived in the USA, Jungkook was already high when he did Stationhead, now he has a cold, because....doing drugs weakens your immune system, naturally you will get a cold.
With Jungkook, it has become a motto - having a cold all the time.
I had a friend doing marijuana and drinking alcohol daily. She was always having "colds" until she got fired from her job. At some point, if you choose drugs over 5 shitty seconds on the stage, with minimum effort, for which you are getting paid millions, don't expect people to hold your hand.
People his age go to war, have families and fight against the evil everything he and his fellow members are promoting.

Unfortunate to also see, that he doesn't even care anymore.
Not even when it comes to looks.
He didn't look good in the video for Standing Next to You. He looks skinny fat. Untrained, fat jumping around when he moves, and the same clothes that look impeccable in 2019, when he was trained, look bad in 2023.

To further worsen the whole thing, he has nothing of a Michael Jackson lookalike. It was a bad idea to make him do a copy of Michael Jackson, because he is simply a different type, not to mention the differences.
I am not saying Michael Jackson was/is "the king" because it's stupid, Michael Jackson wasn't a top dancer or singer and he stole a lot. Prince was definitely the better singer and otherwise.

They should have let Jungkook be...Jungkook. But you know, that's what I am talking about - you can't have idiots doing the job of a professional.
The whole "concept" is something I would have gotten maybe an F in highschool. Like...for trying?
I can't get it out of my ear, eyes, and body, when I see the same bad choreography used over and over again. And how he lacks the motivation and the will to enjoy dancing and singing.

I remembered this story about Christina Aguilera talking about how she fought with the director for "what a girl wants", when she lifted up her skirt at 3:08

They didn't want to provoke, but she wanted that moment so, according to her (who knows how much is true, but anyway), she fought until they let her.

Bottom line - I've never seen this level of over-usage of the same BAD choreography and outfits. In fact of everything.
But for them, I mean especially Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook, who are main dancers, who have been doing the same bad thing over and over again, to not be bothered by it and so, SO F'''''''' Desperate for attention, that they don't even care what they are showing to the public, while at the same time, claiming they care...the level of lies is incredible.

View attachment b78.mp4

View attachment qq3.mp4

View attachment n88.mp4

He basically fucked up every single performance of his "solo" attempt. He fucked up a few months ago, while busy doing drugs and getting drunk on live camera, busy f]]]]]]]] prostitutes and getting more tattoos and more piercings, busy partying with the "gang" he's been hanging around ever since his downfall started, meanwhile, when it came down to BigHit doing their job, they though it will be once again to leave it all to the fans.

It is not enough, because, in the end, I am not going to listen to some shitty song by a not even good-looking guy.
I can pull any Kai or E'Dawn video and it's all I need.

p.s. the guy on the drums needs to be fired

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The best thing about Kpop, is K - pop. When done properly, Korean pop is good.
Of course, a gay pedophile like Bang, who has no business in the music industry, since he failed to deliver anything and hides behind BTS, wouldn't understand it.
That's not an octave. It's mostly a 3rd.

They are being used like lab rats to sell products and aren't bothered by it, because they get attention.

Talking about being used as lab rats??

The gift that keeps on giving
This company is a subsidiary of LG
Always keeping it in the family..

This jewish boy here, nobody knows why he is famous, the music sure isn't, but Major Lazer has around 20k views on twitter. Except for their Jungkook tweets, which reached a million.
Rather than helping, working, and respecting people in their own native country, since I had to hear it 3 years in a row, how "racist" the entire world is, they went straight to the jewish master to record a song that sounds like a leftover.

Remember two days ago when I wrote about yet another awful copy-paste situation of choreography?
Look what we have:

From this article:

Keone Madrid​

Filipino-American Keone Madrid choreographed most of 'Standing Next To You.' While this is his first time working with Jungkook as a solo artist, one-half of the husband-and-wife team, Keone and Mari, has been choreographing moves for BTS since 2015. He was behind the iconic dances for 'Dope,' 'Fire,' 'Not Today,' and 'Blood, Sweat & Tears'. Jimin, j-hope, and Jungkook have also participated in the choreographer and director duo's dance workshop way back in 2013. "So grateful that after all this time we can still work together on things like this," Madrid writes in an Instagram post, sharing his gratitude for being able to work with BTS after almost a decade.

Shay Latukolan​

Dancemaker Shay Latukolan also contributed choreography sequences for 'Standing Next You.' Splitting his home base between London and Amsterdam, the movement director is behind Jungle's viral 'Back on '74' dance moves, and has also worked on the music videos of the likes of Ed Sheeran and Stormzy. Citing Bob Fosse as one of his inspirations, he makes a nod to classic choreography by Michael Jackson, who was, in turn, influenced by Fosse. In an Instagram post, he shares how much more meaningful working on the Jungkook video is, being able to see "my people" perform the choreography.


Brian Puspos​

A familiar name for BTS fans, Brian Puspos was also in 'SEVEN' featuring Latto, and toured with Jungkook across the globe the bring the record-breaking hit single to life on different stages. The Filipino-American choreographer and singer-songwriter is responsible for the dance sequence in BTS' 'Butterfly,' Jimin's graceful moves in 'Serendipity,' and contributed steps to Jungkook's 'My Time'.

Actor and dancer Ian Eastwood, SUGA CREW dancer and 3J choreographer Nick Joseph, TOMORROW X TOGETHER choreographer Devin Pornel, international dance instructor Jake Roark Kodish, Jam Republic's Nick Six, and Vinh Nguyen, Creative Director for Jackson Wang's MAGICMAN World Tour, are also part of the tight-knit group of dancers who had the honour and privilege of dancing with Jungkook and each other.


Also remember when I wrote about BTS's "sudden" success, not being so sudden at all? How they paid their way into the charts since day one and how everything about them is 80% false charting and 20% a small group of crazy asian fans traveling from asia to fill up their little tours.
Yet, it is the very own devoted asian fans, that they have always neglected, with Bang's obsession with homosexuality and pedophilia coming from America.
That's a sick man who belongs in prison, destroying his own culture and country, trying to make everything possible to leave no room anymore for Korean music and bands, just like every other typical sick homosexual. That's what Geffen did.

Why wouldn't they use their own Asian choreographers? While every other boy band was shining when it came to choreography, BTS has always had the worst of everything - vocals, rapping, singing, styling, choreography, promotion.
Weren't they out there bitching like an embarrassing stupid mean girl extra, that they were "poor" and all the blabla they were repeating to the public?
You can't be poor AND hire someone from America, for no reason.
May I also remind you, that you get copyrights from choreography as well. Meaning, either this fakery of a "choreographer" duo had a deal to give up the rights so that Bang can collect everything, in exchange for a fixed fee, or, they get paid everytime someone watches 10 seconds of Jungkook doing the same choreography BTS has done for a DECADE.

I am shocked to see that someone like this duo, two people who should be arrested for fraud, are actually making a career and people are watching their terrible copied moves.

Another copied ugly move Jungkook is executing, is from chicken noodle soup.
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7 different versions, in ADDITION to the original?? 7 different versions, each worse than the other, only to release ....something? Are they nuts?

The webpage says this is only statistical since the sales numbers are no longer available? Well, what the hell are you using, then? Your butt thermometer? What are the sales numbers referring to?

They sucked for nothing to the jews and Ukrainians, he is not even in the charts with something new.


almost non-existent in Germany and the UK



Maybe they should have stuck with less gayness and more normal-fashioned stuff, since apparently the countries where he trends the most are Russia and especially Romania




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"One Lie Per Day"

Yesterday, at the same time, I noticed about 2 or 3 accounts on Instagram and Twitter, pushing the narrative of a possible surprise appearance Jungkook's, and the situation was obvious through the wording, as well as timing - they weren't "fan accounts". It was a narrative pushed to gather some people there.
If you think back, whenever there was a "surprise" appearance of any kind involving BTS, there was ALWAYS someone before that heating up the room. Talking about possible "hints", only to end up with the so-called "surprise".
I've been to Times Square. I know that the crowd looks bigger than it actually was. Maybe 200 people at best? I assume that more than half of it was people working for Bang / BigHit. Remember that when they travel, they move around with at least 40 people, for each of their hair strands.
Then you had the dancers and their respective people traveling with them and telling people about the performance, the public seemed to be abundant in asian representation and, as always, you have at least 2 people who so happen to live around a certain area where BTS happen to appear.

Have you noticed how everything about BTS has become solely numbers-focused and nothing related to what they actually do? It's as if they don't exist, only the echo of their fake numbers, charting, and commercial success.

Jungkook looks worse and worse, he is chubby now, with fat all around his body, no defined lines, not even his ever so nicely nature-made waist, is unnoticeable.
The generic outfit paired with unflattering clothes, on a body that used to capture everyone's attention.
He looks like a grandpa with pedophilic hobbies.


On stage he moves as if he weighs 100 kg, everything looks heavy, typical for other members of BTS who can't dance, but it wasn't his case and he is still trying to do a BTS revival, where they still haven't learned that the stage is there to be respected and to perform. Not to play games.
He is trying to find an audience to hype him up and goes to the backup dancers in order to get the attention.
Have I said it today? Brian Puspos is disgusting, and so is the dancer on the left side of the picture (Jungkook's right side).

View attachment Jungkook Live at TSX, Times Square.mp4

They are using him to get noticed, while Jungkook begs everyone for attention and to be treated like a baby (when it suits).
Both dancers left and right are clearly heavy users.

And look what I also found - hidden in the back at the wall, away from the camera...hookers to travel with.

View attachment hook.mp4

p.s. he still hasn't moved even one step up on the US charts.

The other side...from tiktok

View attachment asfw3452 - 01.mp4

It is BigHit's fault, for playing it too much on appearances, but a big part of the public seems to have no idea what they're even doing there. I know how those things work, sometimes you are in a crowd for an outdoor concert and you sit there until something good is coming up. Well, it used to be that per night at least one act was good. In my old times.
Someone shouting "army" and playing little gay games on the stage, isn't capturing shit.

It is also Jungkook's fault, for not taking his own life and career into his hands, making decisions, and having standards.
If fucking prostitutes, getting drunk, and doing drugs is all he is interested in, I can't blame Bang for making the best out of it.

...not really...

He wasn't even good in this performance. Out of breath, unfocused, and many others.
But listen to his voice and watch his face/body. Even at his worst back then, he was still 10 times better than now.

p.s.2 the same choreo in the videos from Golden. Hahaha.

how badly he ruined himself. I've watched all versions again and I can't believe it.

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Not bad


This looks like the bad BTS choreography. Slow, 1-2 movements per beat, at maximum, sometimes not at all.
Rather than "tripping" through the name, the choreographers could trip with some decent choreography.
Wanting a prize (Grammy) so badly, with a voting system, where the voters aren't even musicians, and a pre-decided winner from the masonic circle of hell.
That's what BTS has been wishing for years now.
Maybe they do deserve one, indeed.