Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

Notice their hypocrisy. For years they pretended to be "friends" of the Muslims, human rights, blabla, women, bla. Yet they found excuses to perform in Saudi Arabia, acting as if it was their decision (I talked about it in the past), then they act all "respectful" and include some break at one of their concert because of a Muslim religious tradition, yet....when it comes to Gaza / suddenly we act as if we don't know.
Of course, they are representing satanic UN / NATO.

But just remember, cause I've interacted in the past with angry Muslim fans - I've talked about it for years.
It is not my fault, that I am repeating myself, but I can’t watch this. The same face, the same type of filming and once again, THE SAME CHOREOGRAPHY.

Butter, PTD, Dynamite (especially the break part, which was already bad).

No, Jungkook did not break any records - referring to the 1 billion mark of streams. It is the money pushed by the company to buy false streams.
They did this since BTS was created, purchasing their own CD's to create false sales numbers, this is how BTS became famous. It's all about "numbers", while the numbers don't mean a thing, they aren't real.
This is an investment that pays 1000 times more in return. For a company that is worth billions, pouring some 6 figures into this illegality is what got them here in the first place.

I forgot to add - the wings from Black Swan. They are really out there saving money as much as possible because they know the stupid fans will buy anything and act as if this is so great and special.
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It is not my fault, that I am repeating myself, but I can’t watch this. The same face, the same type of filming and once again, THE SAME CHOREOGRAPHY.

Butter, PTD, Dynamite (especially the break part, which was already bad).

No, Jungkook did not break any records - referring to the 1 billion mark of streams. It is the money pushed by the company to buy false streams.
They did this since BTS was created, purchasing their own CD's to create false sales numbers, this is how BTS became famous. It's all about "numbers", while the numbers don't mean a thing, they aren't real.
This is an investment that pays 1000 times more in return. For a company that is worth billions, pouring some 6 figures into this illegality is what got them here in the first place.

I forgot to add - the wings from Black Swan. They are really out there saving money as much as possible because they know the stupid fans will buy anything and act as if this is so great and special.

yes i saw the teaser, and there's nothing new in there
Jungkook - Standing next to you

An awful autotune song for a voice that isn’t fit for the song, a song which is once again written by a bunch of incapable jewish people and Christian zionists (Andrew Watt, Henry Walter, Ali Tamposi, Jon Bellion. Producers - Watt and Cirkut), as always stealing from others.

The song is a typical “steal and mix” from different funk and 60s-90s era songs, one of them being Tom’s Diner feat. Suzanne Vega.
I recognize many other stolen songs.
It is the same as in the case with the other jewish thief, Marc Ronson, who made a career stealing from white people - the highlight being Bruno Mars’s Uptown Funk.
Jewish people have destroyed arts and music but when it comes to politics it is the narrative that “white people” stole.
Look into who those “white people” are. It is always the jews.

As far as the choreography goes, as always - nothing new, the same horrible, slow and boring chore taken from other songs and otherwise…congratulations Jungkook!
For making it a highlight and showing the loose disrespectful douchebag you are, as we’ve seen in the leaked hooker videos.
People should only touch their wives and girlfriends. Not a stranger in a movie/video.
There is no saying, that this has to be allowed and is definitely not normal.
We got used to those slutty jewish Western agendas, promoting promiscuity,
It is not ok. That stroke had no cinematographical meaning.
It is only their attempt to push the line of the lies they’ve sold to their fans for 10 years (Army is our girlfriend) and to promote promiscuity and prostitues.
Not to mention who that “actress” actually is.
A low-life lunatic, model”, drug addict (like Jungkook), promoting gender dysphoria and promoted because she is “Ukrainian”.
Pasha Harulia.

It's all connected.
Jungkook looks very old and washed out in the video, making weird mouth grimaces he’s been doing lately, but - we’re talking about a drug addict interacting with prostitutes. What to expect more.
His acting in the video has been standard and ugly ever since he started with his tattoos and drug path, it is the same face, the same expression, the same everything all over the place.
He ruined himself and doesn't have what it takes to be on the stage. Someone who can not interpret a 4 minute song and tell a story, has no place in this business.

Maybe he should try a career as a drugged prostitute. It seems that this is the only thing that has been growing in his life.

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Notice the propaganda - conservatism is bad. Being promiscuous and shouting “I‘ll be fucking you right”, or, confetti sperm ejaculation in 3D, having hookers at home, getting drunk, and doing drugs….that’s good.
In the stupidity of his brain, for letting those perverts manipulate him, being mature equals being a drug addict and a prostitute, disrespecting women, relations, and love.

Well played, sir.

Blind fans analysing his interviews, believing that whatever he says in those interviews are his own words.
They aren't. Some stupid hooker working for Bang wrote the things he’s been learning to say, like BTS did for their entire existence and whoever is writing the answers is an idiot.
The answers are not only retarded but unacceptable when it comes to professional subjects.
It is the duty of a musician have a repertoire covering all areas, and all genders.
So when he talks about how he would like to be the one singer covering multiple styles, I can only shake my head.

Jungkook can’t even sing two notes anymore. They all do the same hand movements, looking into the camera, but this is no „performance”. This is a robotic recording meant to manipulate fans.

View attachment ewf4 - 01.mp4

What is this fuckery. 5 lifeless adults, looking like children, with no energy, no presence, no singing, no nothing. Making millions, while most of musicians barely make a living.
Not just because of this snippet, but in general, especially looking at Jungkook's solo videos, and everything BTS - they all have the worst make-up and clothes in this business.
Haven't seen anyone dress, styled, hair, etc.. and painted on the face as badly as they are.

View attachment rrh - 01.mp4

Being “rebellious” doesn't mean being a douchebag with tattoos, a drunken alcoholic who has no profession, playing the sucking boy for gay pedophiles, and allowing everyone to use him, because they know that all they have to do is to say: Jungkook, you are great. Greatest singer. Go do some more drugs, get drunk, touch girls without them being your girlfriend, fuck hookers, and disrespect anything worth protecting and respecting.

Meanwhile, they are making billions out of his “rebellion” and stupidity until he’s going to end like every other stupid member of a boy band.
I mean - we already see it happening. He stopped looking good and singing properly once he started doing all these things.

You disrespect life, love and the meaning of it, you mock the meaning of a relationship, the beauty of touching the person you love, the miracle of finding that person for you and preserving everything you have until that moment, you also destroy your own life.
Someone with no respect is oozing it in everything they are doing.
We see it right now compared with recordings from earlier.

Things are always connected.

As expected and predicted - Jungkook's debut and solo album is a non-stoppable failure, showing exactly the BigHit problematic, the jewish propaganda of drug and alcohol abuse, child abuse, using 5 adults to gain more money and harm more children, teenagers and adults, promoting promiscuity and all the known thematics, while offering nothing but recycled shit, like they did for years, stolen music and a guy in the center who has lost himself years ago.
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that guy, Brian Puspos is such a clout hunter and annoying. And I don't get it - he is a TERRIBLE bad dancer. Why is he there.

also, remember what I often point out to? How they have this strategy of releasing at the same time multiple projects?
It's finally not working anymore. Their (Bang and BigHit) desperation of keeping their IPO is hurting the individual members.
I don't want to see anything Jimin or Taehyung related, on the day Jungkook is releasing his album and video.

I also don't want to see anything Jimin or Jungkook related, the day Taehyung is releasing a new commercial.

It takes away the impact. It helps Bang, but is hurting the individual members.
Proving once again how even their own lawyers and parents and family are using them. And how stupid but desperate for fame they are.
Rather than making a decision that is good for THEIR career, as individuals, they let everyone making decisions that they don't even question, only because they are told the same song, about how great they are and allowed to do whatever they want, as is if they are babies.

That lip piercing looks so bad on him. He already has slim lips. The nice thing about it was the shape and the mole, which now disappear because of the piercing. It looks as if he has something in his mouth growing.
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Look at this gay dude wooing for Jungkook and making up words and things that DO NOT describe the shitty album and music. Yet the general public believes, that just because some big paper and their "head of rock'n roll and pop" editor is saying so, then it must be real.
No, it is just a jewish manipulation and people owned by the same master.

Music (and arts) hasn't been SHAPED by the gays. It was destroyed by the gay jewish people.

I could only find several postings from the same user being shared on twitter, but it sound like the bullshit propaganda they have been using for years.
Playing the victim, saying how "I know I am not good", I hope to work hard, etc.
Well...honey...if you know that you aren't good, go back home, practice and come back when you are not an embarrassment.

Don't let yourself fooled by this propaganda. Remember / this is the same drunk drug addict, fucking hookers and hanging out with criminals. This is just to fool fans. A grown man acting like a 10 year old.

View attachment asfwqee.mp4
Jungkook - Standing next to you

An awful autotune song for a voice that isn’t fit for the song, a song which is once again written by a bunch of incapable jewish people and Christian zionists (Andrew Watt, Henry Walter, Ali Tamposi, Jon Bellion. Producers - Watt and Cirkut), as always stealing from others.

The song is a typical “steal and mix” from different funk and 60s-90s era songs, one of them being Tom’s Diner feat. Suzanne Vega.
I recognize many other stolen songs.
It is the same as in the case with the other jewish thief, Marc Ronson, who made a career stealing from white people - the highlight being Bruno Mars’s Uptown Funk.
Jewish people have destroyed arts and music but when it comes to politics it is the narrative that “white people” stole.
Look into who those “white people” are. It is always the jews.

As far as the choreography goes, as always - nothing new, the same horrible, slow and boring chore taken from other songs and otherwise…congratulations Jungkook!
For making it a highlight and showing the loose disrespectful douchebag you are, as we’ve seen in the leaked hooker videos.
People should only touch their wives and girlfriends. Not a stranger in a movie/video.
There is no saying, that this has to be allowed and is definitely not normal.
We got used to those slutty jewish Western agendas, promoting promiscuity,
It is not ok. That stroke had no cinematographical meaning.
It is only their attempt to push the line of the lies they’ve sold to their fans for 10 years (Army is our girlfriend) and to promote promiscuity and prostitues.
Not to mention who that “actress” actually is. w
A low-life lunatic, drug addict (like Jungkook), promoting gender dysphoria.
It's all connected.
Jungkook looks very old and washed out in the video, making weird mouth grimaces he’s been doing lately, but - we’re talking about a drug addict interacting with prostitutes. What to expect more.
His acting in the video has been standard and ugly ever since he started with his tattoos and drug path, it is the same face, the same expression, the same everything all over the place.
He ruined himself and doesn't have what it takes to be on the stage. Someone who can not interpret a 4 minute song and tell a story, has no place in this business.

Maybe he should try a career as a drugged prostitute. It seems that this is the only thing that has been growing in his life.

You're brutal but you're right about some things
You're brutal but you're right about some things

It is my profession and my life that is suffering because of the way these people have managed to turn it into a blasphemy, all because of the fans and people in the business keeping it quiet.
I've been watching for decades things like this going on and know how they are connected.
If fans don't care about people like Jungkook not being able to sing, dance and how his face is robotic all the time, looking the same in everything, then...it proves that in the end it's all about a parasocial relationship in which fans are kept satisfied by delivering constantly visual content to them.
At the same time there is an existent problem, of making worse and worse "music" and art, because the people in the center, that are controlled by them, are stupid and only care about fame, not about the product.
It is harder to manipulate a musician who wouldn't strip naked just to sell his work. He would have a problem with that in the first place.
One of the big Jungkook accounts, so happened to know who the female druggie in the video is?
No. This is not a “fan account”.
This is either an account fed by, or totally belonging to BigHit / Bang.
One of those “fan accounts” feeding the fans and manipulating them into thinking whatever Bang wants to feed them as a story.

They are now promoting everything attacking this world, including hiring a Ukrainian “mode”.
Going frenetically by the book.

Let’s see:
- drugs
- alcohol
- gender dysphoria
- mental illnesses
- sado-maso / bondage themes
- body mutilation (piercings and tattoos)
- women’s humiliation
- promiscuity
- prostitution
- stealing intellectual property
- indoctrination of destructive ideologies related to love and relationships
- hiring Ukrainian hookers (yeah, all models are) to draw attention to the false narrative of Ukraine being attacked by Putin
- not having one single Korean song (the globalization agenda)
- gay bad dancers
This is the choreo from Butter, DNA and Stigma (stigma is the first one to appear).
Where is the progress, for f’s sake, I can’t watch the same two hand movements over and over again for the past 10 years !!
They are the ones doing the same thing for 10 years, how the hell aren’t they bothered by it.

This is the choreo from Butter, DNA and Stigma (stigma is the first one to appear).
Where is the progress, for f’s sake, I can’t watch the same two hand movements over and over again for the past 10 years !!
They are the ones doing the same thing for 10 years, how the hell aren’t they bothered by it.

not just Bts, but Kpop choreographies are all pretty the same, the same thing over and over again
It is my profession and my life that is suffering because of the way these people have managed to turn it into a blasphemy, all because of the fans and people in the business keeping it quiet.
I've been watching for decades things like this going on and know how they are connected.
If fans don't care about people like Jungkook not being able to sing, dance and how his face is robotic all the time, looking the same in everything, then...it proves that in the end it's all about a parasocial relationship in which fans are kept satisfied by delivering constantly visual content to them.
At the same time there is an existent problem, of making worse and worse "music" and art, because the people in the center, that are controlled by them, are stupid and only care about fame, not about the product.
It is harder to manipulate a musician who wouldn't strip naked just to sell his work. He would have a problem with that in the first place.
those fans are brainwashed..
the so-called "live release party" was naturally prerecorded. They add new segments and a certain type of effect to make it sound more "raw", but it is not live.
Beyonce hasn't sung live since she was in Destiny Child barking like a goat.
None of them has the balls to do the bare minimum and at least...sing?
The sad part is, Jungkook could have easily done it live, if it were the Jungkook....3 years ago.
There is a disturbing video circulating around, taking advantage of the tragedy in Gaza - apparently BTS / Taehyung-related merchandise has emerged, found between the ashes of the horror that's going on there.
It is faked. It is edited and it shows how disturbed their fans are.

I am once again amazed about the hypocrisy of BTS fans keeping it quiet amidst Gaza and Israel. Many BTS fans are "Muslims", and blacks, right? Where is your outrage over the fact, that your own money lands in the pocket of jewish zionists destroying the world?

Let me tell you a little story - we had a famous (had as in „famous”, and not famous anymore) footballer called Adrian Mutu. He was a drug addict and alcoholic. Mourinho and Abramovich were aware of it. The guy was quite good at what he was doing and also looking ...kinda...good. Not my taste, but you know...young, great bod, etc.
Fame got to his head, got into a fight with Mourinho and his career was over, because, being aware of his drug abuse, Mourinho ordered a drug test, which he failed.

Not only is EVERYONE in a company aware of the drug and alcohol abuse of their respective „artist”, but they are also the ones providing it. That’s how they keep the addicts in the company. Or do you think, that an addict would want to deal with people preventing him/her from using drugs and alcohol??
This way, the company can easily get rid of the artist, keep the revenue, and act as if they are not guilty.
You know what? I can’t blame them. No excuses for drug addicts, alcoholics, people who refuse to work, and those responsible for victims of trafficking.

I estimate that 90% of the hookers and pimps surrounding BTS members are addicts. Obviously, Jimin and Jungkook have been addicts for years now.
If BigHit wants to shut down rumors, have them have their blood and hair tested.