Stray Kids

I have NO words.
Please notice her waitress/stripper outfit and how she spreads her legs on the ground in front of him. The stripper high heels, the stripper pantyhose....this is NOT how a staff member dresses.

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Which event was this for? Were there other staff members filmed and how were they dressed? It's all so weird. Like the veil of illusion is being lifted and we're seeing stuff that never even occurred to us before, idk it makes me a little depressed tbh.
Which event was this for? Were there other staff members filmed and how were they dressed? It's all so weird. Like the veil of illusion is being lifted and we're seeing stuff that never even occurred to us before, idk it makes me a little depressed tbh.
I believe that this was the Tommy Hilfiger event from two days ago
Here we go again- ever since the Butter collab w/Megan, it seems like it's becoming standard for popular (male) kpop groups to collab with hookers & prostitutes. I can't help think about that time when Megan said she was "nervous" when BTS knew who she was, & the creepy/chill up the spine comment RM made "why were you nervous, because we're 7?"

I've been wondering- why are these groups flocking to black women (for the most part) for their collabs? Is it a case of "birds (prostitutes) of a feather flock together?"
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Here we go again- ever since the Butter collab w/Megan, it seems like it's becoming standard for popular (male) kpop groups to collab with hookers & prostitutes. I can't help think about that time when Megan said she was "nervous" when BTS knew who she was, & the creepy/chill up the spine comment RM made "why because we're 7?"
I've been wondering- why are these groups flocking to black women (for the most part) for their collabs? Is it a case of "birds of a feather flock together?"
Here we go again- ever since the Butter collab w/Megan, it seems like it's becoming standard for popular (male) kpop groups to collab with hookers & prostitutes. I can't help think about that time when Megan said she was "nervous" when BTS knew who she was, & the creepy/chill up the spine comment RM made "why were you nervous, because we're 7?"
I've been wondering- why are these groups flocking to black women (for the most part) for their collabs? Is it a case of "birds (prostitutes) of a feather flock together?"

because the jews are promoting the racism card, white supremacy, blabla...but if you look around, everything that's white trash evil monster, is jewish, yet they don't consider themselves to be "white".
the black people are their tool to use, and unfortunately, they have nothing but trash to offer. Drugs, guns, murders and ass bouncing.
The agenda is to pair everything that's bad and leave whatever is good out.
Who else to pair those bands with?

by the way....

Hello there!

This is from another angle. Felix does seem to say something, probably to stop her. And he seems to try to resume walking quickly. It's not like he can push her to stop her in this setting, being fully aware of all the cameras that are filming.
I have to say, I am disappointed in the bi-sexual beanie though (among other things)...
The Kpop industry, is selling the illusion of friendship, or of love to so many people. Many are young, gullible and/or vulnerable. And these so called "idols" don't even know the names of the people who think they are their friends or their imaginary boyfriends. It's sad how everything seem to be for sale these days. But I can't help feeling also sorry for the people who start so young, and who are also used by the system.

Nobody is forcing them to do anything and people forget, that the real "poor" kids who start young, are the ones doing real things - classical music, ballet, etc. We start when we can barely walk or talk.
They start at 15, because they find school stupid and don't want to spend 2 hours to do homework.
There is nothing to empathize. People who aren't in this business don't know what it means in our profession to work. To not be able to play outside, not even for 5 minutes that you see with them on youtube in "behind the scenes" videos.
I was one of those people. You work through every period of your life and in the end, if you don't obey to the system and because other hookers do AND because of people like BTS, SKZ, EXO, etc.. who have no respect for the business, the ones who do work, wanting to keep a profession alive, are being destroyed.

This isn't music and it surely isn't dancing. But...who cares. We allow people to go on stage without being able to sing, and do some monkey movements, while sticking their tongue out and lifting their shirts.

Yes, you are right, I doubt there is something that Felix could have done differently. BUT >

- if she would have been his type, he wouldn't have looked that pissed, he would have laughed and flirted
- dressing life a staffer is something I haven't seen in any of the hookers travelling with either of them (bands, guys, members). A respectful man, sees through those hookers immediately and they should request for proper dress code and LIMITS to what female staffers are allowed to do. Female "staffer" shouldn't even be around them, nevermind touching or flirting with them. But...they are there to keep them sexually aroused.
- they shouldn't allow female staffers to touch them.There are a lot of gay staffers. When it suits, then we are all touchy with gay guys. When it is necessary to NOT have a female touching your penis, then....suddenly all the gays are gone.
For the staffers, for stray kids, in the videos that I saw, a lot of the staffers in older videos seemed like midde-aged women, not really thin or appealing, who were really just about their "normal" work. But I did notice it is starting to change in the most recent videos (well I haven't seen all of the videos...). Like this one with Felix in NY is wrong at so many levels...
And yes for BTS it is also disturbing - to say the least
Yes, I also observed that SKZ has a few ... fat mid-age ladies, but....I've seen a few who even at work when they are blurred out, walk around with cropped teas, seductive outfits, wearing caps (??) - you can't do your job as a makeup person/stylist wearing caps, having long hails, wearing a lot of jewelry, gets in your way.

This changed over the years, I am glad I am not the only one who noticed, because I am quite new at looking into SKZ. I ignored it a bit, because it wasn't so obvious, until recently - I started with older videos and I am only getting slower to now, but SKZ's members have to be "entertained" same as every other guy.
What the hell ?? it used to be homosexuality, but now they're mainly pushing gender dysphoria?? This is Hyunjin's "wife", with whom he's living together...

Side note - Changbin is the one in SKZ, of whom I wonder why he is part of the band / he-s like Jin, no importance at all, no contribution

gay changbin.png
I wouldn't even compare ballet to Kpop dance/choregraphies. It's not in the same league obviously. But we are in a time where it's quantity over quality, and where Kpop is popular because fans (drowned in content) get obsessives over their "cute", young, good-looking "idols". At the core of their business model is not how difficult or esthetically pleasing their dancing and singing is, but how they make their fans project on them feelings and imaginary scenarios, and how their record label companies manage to make money out of that. Mostly for the companies and for their shareholders of course. (That being said, some groups seem better than others and they still have to put in the work, the efforts for rehearsals etc...And some labels and idols seem to be more about "the work" than about feeding the parasocial relationships)
In this video, even Jimin and Yoongi/Suga see and state clearly that they're not on the same level:
4min47 “I never came close to anything like this”
4min52 “Pro dancers are really at another level”

There aren't "pro" dancers. There is the term "dancer", "violinist", "pianist", etc... alicia keys is not a pianist. she fumbles the piano. Lizzo isn't a flutist. Even jimin isn't a dancer.
I don't expect for them to go on stage and say "we suck" . but for them to dance and sing worse than on their debut day, years later, because they're too lazy to practice, that's something unacceptable.

I also don't enjoy their false modesty. This was one of the episodes that bothered me, because they claimed to be in charge of their work, yet they had no idea of how the video would come out.

It's the big bag of lies - SKZ as well - that's another issue.

I have the feeling that what you are saying is - i should somehow take it in, because it is the way it is. I am saying - it doesn't have to be this way. It's what caused the decline in pop music. I didn't had a problem with pop from 20 years ago. It was good music. Good quality easy music to listen and dance to.
Now it's almost unbearable to listen.
I could have been a millionaire by now, through defaming and disrespecting my profession. We all work for the exact opposite reason. To do something of quality.
I liked Hyunjin, the same way I enjoy watching art - when something is good, and as a professional, you understand and feel the art, it gives you an unbelievable feeling.

It's awful what he's done to himself, it's sad that Jimin didn't continue, Taehyung with his unique voice changes his hobbies probably more often than his underwear and Jungkook ruined everything for himself. Those guys are given all the opportunities in the world, served on a silverplate, because of the asian obsession with this "cute" thing and gay shows, yet....they prove that they don't deserve it.

Do you know how many people get the same chance? ....almost next to zero.

My criticism is something mixed with different reasons, but I did emphasized on what was good about every one of them. Alright...except Jin...he there for no reason.

This is Changbin feeding the fans nonsense, but then...they get mad, upset, or surprised .....
I set the video to start at around minute 7, when he "flirts" with his "wife"

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I'm wondering if he actually means that, or if it's part of his contract with Louis Vuitton - because Nicolas Ghesquière, who apparently picked him, is the creative director for WOMEN's collections. And Felix has often been pictured modeling LV women jackets, blouses, and purses from the brand. Their whole approach for picking him seem to be the "unisex" clothing theme. But it's probably just marketing for him to model women clothes and make his fan women buy them (and confuse more young or lost people in the process while claiming to "be free" and to "break boundaries").
In the same video, towards the end, the other members say that he is manly (and many people echoed that in the comments). But hey, we are not short of one contradiction in this world
That and Hyunjin nail polish - I find that so unattractive and distasteful for men

they are all doing it, it's jewish sick propaganda to put out gender dysphoric propaganda and destroy women, making them in the end slaves meant to bear children for the gay pedophiles.

That "designer" guy was fumbling him, all over his body, I posted the video previously.

They can pick girls models, for girls clothes. not men. It's an intentional mind-stroying-propaganda to put on every cover and all over the media men looking like women.
This video popped out on my timeline and reminded me that I wanted to say - many of stray kids members are showing big alarms of trouble and danger hidden behind fake "acting cute" theatrics.
This guy has been giving me unpleasant feelings whenever I see something of him - looking at himself in a weird way wearing SM outfits half naked, giving pervert vibes and being drunk at the VMA

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Yeah even before you started to post about stray kids I saw pics where I thought Ghesquière seemed creepy around Felix.

I would really differentiate Judaism and Zionism. There are many currents in Judaism, I don’t know if you heard of Neturei Karta for example, who are Jewish anti-Zionist and get beaten up by the israeli police for their stance. Also many Jews are leaving Israel because of the genocide and demonstrating against the on-going genocide while the most radical ones are ok with it and moving there. So the ones who sow evil and perversion are pervert evil people but there are also many decent ones.
The evil of the jewish people started long before a name was given for a certain movement.
I don't consider all jewish people bad, and I am not outthere saying all jewish people should be killed. The world is under jewish control, they are responsible for the worst evil possible, they worship satan (david's star) and live in a cult where everything else doesn't deserve to live.
All the conglomerates, banks, health industry, land, etc is owned by the jews and the fact that there are some nice jewish people doesn't change the problem.

I am also not outthere saying kill all Muslims, just because Europe is threatened daily by Islamists.

Very nice for the jewish people standing against the evil caused by other jewish people. We all must stand up against the evil. Not just the nice jewish man.
I've been reading about these topics for many years. I know it's been going on for so long; one of the books I read about the history of zionism starts around 500 years before Jesus Christ. I'm happy to recommend sources that helped me understand better both zionism, and its link with the current currency system with the supremacy of the dollar, (which is starting to decline), which is KEY. etc... But I doubt this place is the right place to do that.
About their worship of Satan, the Bible does mention the "Synagogue of Satan", but for David's star (or the Seal of Salomon), there is a lot to say about its symbolism, and it's actually not negative in the first place. I can only recommend René Guénon's work for that.

I agree with you, we must all stand up against the evil, (well at least all the people who try to fight it). By the way, those migration waves of africans to Europe, who (among other people) finance them? Soros. Some africans even change their minds on the way to Europe or get scared to die at sea and try to go back to their home country but they get beaten up and are forced to continue by their handlers, the ones who organize their passage. Why? To create more chaos in Europe. And why do they try to leave in the first place? Why are their countries so poor despite all their natural resources? Because they are maintained in an artificial state of poverty with the very unfair currency system in place, of course with the complicity of a few locals (who happen to be, often, free masons). To the benefit of the West. Also, for many of the "islamists"groups: who funds them? who creates them? Most of the times to create enemies to Arab leaders who are not compliant enough with the US or with Israel.

The reason I'm trying not to be too hard on the "idols" (by the way, I put quotes because the initial meaning of the word idol is a statue, a false deity - well false for people who were from the monotheistic religions, which led people astray from the right path, and sometimes I think that Kpop idols get really close to that). So the reason I'm trying not be too hard on the 'idols' is because when they start, they are 15-17 years old, sometimes even younger. Surely at that age they are not aware of all the evil forces at work in the world and how that also plays in the entertainment industry. I don't think they get that they will be instrumentalized. And if they ever do, I'm sure maybe some will be in denial or minimize the negative side of what they are doing. I'm not trying to find excuses for them, I'm really just analyzing this from outside.
For example, Hyunjin was cast for his looks when he was in a supermarket with his mom, and he first thought that JYP was a scam when the person handed him his (or her) name card. And then he probably saw a career opportunity for him and decided to go with it. As he puts more efforts and time into it, it's hard for him to step out of it and to try to analyze what he's doing I think. I don't think he thinks: "I'm going to make a bunch of girls fall in love with me so that they can give my company their (pocket) money". He actually SEEMS like a kind sensitive artistic person.
And Felix was also approached by the company I think when he was 15, but his parents (to their credit) said NO. They had to wait a couple of years, and even then I think that his father was really against it (he mentioned that in a couple of videos and got emotional about it if I remember correctly). He had a boyish charm when he started, and now with this voice, and his demeanor, I don't think he's unisex, I think he's manly. But then that's probably his contract with LV. I don't think he's saying to himself: "I am going to advance the evil agenda of the perverts who want to destroy the traditional model of the family unit, and want to confuse people about their gender". That's what I meant by "used by the system". He also SEEMS kind and generous (but he does seem a bit harder to read than the others for me). (I put capital on SEEMS because we never know of course. This is just what they project. And even for people close to us in real life, we actually never know.)
And it's all the more sly and sneaky since they (the real evil people) use good-looking people, young people (so they are most likely ignorant of these things), people who seem genuinely kind (because those are going to be the most likable and influential, so for their model, those are the most important to influence a lot of other impressionable young people) to try to advance their sick perverted agenda. But I don't think the idols are the "mentally ill", or the evil ones. (Well obviously the rapists and the pervert ones who cross certain lines are). As I wrote previously, I think that some might be cynical, but most are probably just in denial or even completely unaware of their role in what's going on. I mean it takes time and long readings to become aware of all of this, and then one must connect all the dots; and, then, assuming they do become aware of it (but I don't think they do), it takes a special kind of people to try to get away from it when they already spend so much time on their careers, and they know that these are short careers.

On a side note while Felix and Hyunjin seem to be the 2 most important people to draw people in, in their fandom, I am wondering to what extent it is actually reflected in their compensation. Specially with their "3-racha" unit (Bang Chan, Han, and Changbin) who apparently write, compose and produce, so they are probably getting a lot more money than the others, which wouldn't be fair because Felix and Hyunjin seem to be the 2 more important given the nature of this business.

Whether the idols are in denial or not, the evil is advancing and it's great that you and so many people are calling it out to try to make as many people as possible open their eyes. But I think that to fight the evil, it's better to expose the system that generates it, instead of personally attacking people who seem to be used by it.
I would say for Kpop, thanks to sites like this one, I hope that as many people (mostly the girls that develop obsessive feelings) as possible open their eyes so that they don't get tricked by their feelings and spend too much time and money on Kpop. Some even neglect their studies or ruin their future for that. That's not right. Idols have these so called bans on dating but they date. Which is natural, they are young, good-looking (well to each their own) and because of their work, they're constantly meeting and interacting with people from the opposite sex who are in the same age group and in the same "league". They are bound to date or even fall in love. People do. That's normal. What's not normal is hiding it or lying about it so that they can keep on selling this illusion to people and take their time and their cash. And then they try to make the fans feel guilty by saying "oh it's ridiculous let them date". Yes, by all means, let them. But let also people know. Don't lie. It WILL help at least some of the fans snap back into reality and maybe focus on themselves and on their lives, instead of wasting time and energy mostly because of an illusion. Maybe the obsessive fans can get back in the real world and try to meet real people and start building a real relationship. At the end of the day, it should be just light entertainment, (and it's great that there are some people who take it lightly) but a lot of people don't, because it is built it to make it obsessive, which is not right.

As far as I'm concerned, I was never into Kpop. I first saw Jungkook in the World Cup opening ceremony a couple of years ago. And as I was checking some media content about the World Cup being held in Qatar (for other aspects of the events), I kept on getting suggestions of videos about him and I was so surprised by certain fan comments that I decided to look into it. It has been more an object or topic of analysis. I think I'm done with it now :)
But I wish well to all the people who see something wrong and call it out.

This is a "jews" thread

this is a "cult" themed thread

you can always post there the material you were referring to, and/or create your own thread. I am not the admin/owner of the forum. Everyone is free to do whatever they want.
I encourage people to post and write.

in response to some of the things you wrote:

- I doubt that felix or hyunjin are getting paid more. In fact...I think it is the opposite. I believe the ones being compensated, both in SKZ and BTS, are the ones without the "looks", that realize the real boss money long term comes from providing material for the company in terms of writing and availability.

People like Hyunjin, Felix, Taehyung and now Jungkook are You could eat all year long the specific treats and foods, but it takes the charm away. Which is why they aren't offered in the store all year round. The Christmas example isn't my idea, so ...can't take credit for it, I thought it was a nice thing when I first read about it in a post not related to anything kpop.
The company cannot play this obsessive parasocial madness-card continuously with them. It's not going to work, it is time-limited. They can't allow them to go solo full power, because there is less money and if you've read Hyunjin's every other "interview" with those people, there is a team already providing the answers....he mentioned the same things, in the same way as Jungkook and Taehyung...hinting at solo wishes, keeping the fans alert regarding possible solo album, saying that he has a long list of songs he wrote...
yet they never get the chance to do it. Full power.
The company only has to gain, if they play the "Christmas" card. Every now and then, never too much. For example they published the entire SKZ tour DVD one day after Hyunjin's Cartier commercial came out.
They have people in every group, who are there only because it means an extra cash flow for the company. People who are simply useless for the entire group.

- I blame in the first place the parents. At 15 of course, unless you've been with the "hood" since 10, you don't see evil in anything. As a parent, you don't give away your child and take the cash. Like there is a lottery.
Good for Felix's parents. On the other side - Felix is now old enough to have his own mind, and not play the gender dysphoria agenda. Either way, I noticed that Felix is well spoken, articulated and stands out. With the others, you can see that they haven't been to school and that's a huge problem. They have underdeveloped brains, they don't know what it is to learn for school and run away from work.

Yes, I also had the same impression about Hyunjin being a kind and sensitive person. That's how Jungkook also seemed, until he developed verrry fast into something weird and almost...almost disgusting.
You mentioned that you discovered him when he performed at the world cup. I found out about BTS around 2019 (always forget the timeline) and back then it was just shortly before he started going down.
If you look at older videos, Jungkook left me the same impression as Hyunjin, though there is no comparison between them in terms of dancing.

Doing something is always better than...nothing...Unfortunately what people like Jungkook, Taehyung and Hyunjin don't seem to understand, is that there is no "friendship" between anybody. They should stop lying about their private life and be more concerned about being with a decent person together.
The amount of jealousy that Namjoon tried to hide, towards Taehyung, was annoying. Taehyung lives in his own madness, looking in the crow for people to "love" him. He was obsessing over Namjoon and the more he was wooing him, the worse Namjoon became.

Han, Bangchan, etc...aren't Hyunjin's friends, but Hyunjin is a bit like Taehyung, not accepting that "being liked" is superficial and people like him will never be liked by others, definitely not similar to the parasocial relation with his / their crazy fans.

yes, at 15 you have no idea, but at 20 you start having more than one idea. He should know, same as Jungkook, that having fan calls, and meetings with underage girls, is a big NO. That touching fans at meetings is a big big NO. FLIRTING with fans at no time should take place. You can be nice and kind to a fan. sexual flirting shouldn't take place.

Hyunjin, Jungkook, some point...they should have realized that they don't sing properly anymore, they haven't made any progress dancewise, and not start thousands of different things.
If people look for quality in their life, it's easier to spot the evil.
Hyunjin's lives have become a bit cringy, in the same Jungkook style - doing them so that they can be praised and wooed.. they have zero responsibility and also in Hyunjin's case, same as with Jungkook, I believe that their parents are still controlling all their assets/finances.
Who in their right mind, as a MAN, 24 years old, would want to have a gay roommate? talking about "wifey" duty and live in a dorm.
Anwer - no normal person. Only someone with huge deficits.

Everything that you wrote about africans, poor countries, Europe, poverty, handlers, Soros...that's true. It is exactly the current state and who is causing it.
This video popped out on my timeline and reminded me that I wanted to say - many of stray kids members are showing big alarms of trouble and danger hidden behind fake "acting cute" theatrics.
This guy has been giving me unpleasant feelings whenever I see something of him - looking at himself in a weird way wearing SM outfits half naked, giving pervert vibes and being drunk at the VMA

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never like that Bangchan guy, he looks fishy
Ass licker Han looks at someone now knowing what to answer.

let me explain how the business works in regards to revenue in simple words - the most valuable thing on the market, are copyrights. You receive royalties for text, music, visual media - video, photography.
Usually everyone gives up a part of their copyrights to the label.
Everytime your song is on a show, radio, used for a commercial, background music, etc...everytime your face is used on a product, on a magazine, toys, get royalties. The amount differs according to the situation - for example, a prime-time show on radio/tv will pay more than a lower viewrs rate show.

The scandals over the beatles catalogue, or recently Taylor Swift's masters is related to the eranings from the copyright.

I would assume that those kpop guys give up all their copyrights, including the nameright to the company, in return for a "salary", which is from what I've understood the standard form of their contracts. Maybe people like Namjoon and Yoongi have received better conditions on their second contract, but the thing is, nobody cares about them. Maybe the "3racha" receive more percentage from the label on their royalties. But...who cares.
in the case of Stray Kids, people are interested in Hyunjin and when he says that he wrote a song, or is credited on one, people will buy like crazy his stuff, because they think, that he wrote it and that they are doing something good for him. But all money goes to the company. I doubt Hyunjin gets any percentage from his royalty.
Of course, we don't know anything about those people's life, but he lives in a dorm, together with a gay dude.. from what we know so far. He should be a multi-millionaire, judging by my estimations of his possible revenue.

So for fans who are attempting in discussing over "music" and "charts" , building their opinions and making finanical purchases thinking, that the money goes to their "idol", they should educate themselves, rather than pushing "ot8" , but almost all the revenue comes from Hyunjin.