Little by little I will post my impression as a story about everything involving BTS and its members, company, surroundings, people associated with them, etc.
I will try to post and update as often as possible, sometimes daily, sometimes not. Depending on the cookie jar.
This is now my campaign. You can donate, send inquiries, ask for opinions, or donate whatever you want.
With the knowledge that what we see is pre-arranged, a video was released showing that Namjoon was given the possibility to have a solo career or be the „leader” of the now BTS.
I could possibly say, that this is the root of one of the problems regarding some of the members - when the mediocre person wants to receive the attention and respect of an individual, who deserves to be praised.
Namjoon wanted to be the….leader of something, to make him look important, because he failed at proving what he can do.
„Without proof, nothing can be proven.”
Similar to Yoongi, he tried to copy „bad boys”, who, same as BTS now, were paid by labels, governments, dealers (drugs, arms, children, the whole package), serving the interest of evil conglomerates, brands, agendas, criminals.
When the solo copycat failed, which…. isn’t surprising, rather than working and trying day after day, after month, after year, more work, more fighting, more holding on to a standard of honorable performance, he thought that being the „leader” of some sold-out children, dressed up in pink dresses wearing eyeliner, promoting homosexuality, gender dysphoria, mental illnesses, romanticizing depression, fooling people into giving millions to terrorist groups like BLM, will make him more important as a „rapper”.
You can’t solve a problem by hiding it. With time, it will only get bigger and it will be more difficult to solve it. Time doesn’t go back, you know ?
We all get wrinkles, get tired, lose faith, lose love, lose so many things that we often don’t even try to look back. We let all the problems cover us like a shield, cornering us more and more.
His deception and bitterness were noticeable to me from the beginning - being the only one speaking English and the management failing at promoting the band properly, he basically took over not just as the speaker of the band, but it looked as if he is the Snow White surrounded by the ….6 other midgets.
When I say that the management failed at promoting the band properly, I mean in this case specifically the fact that if only one person speaks English, it doesn’t look good for the others. One dude no-one cares about, takes over answering the questions. Unless it’s Jungkook as the…real leader of the band, any other person simply doesn’t belong to be in the position of a „leader”. Leader of the band is Jungkook. There is no other „leader”.
There is also no IDOL. Idol is not some monkey acting according to what some fat pedophiles are ordering.
So either have them all talk Korean, or nothing.
He was the center of attention, answering all questions, belittling not in a funny way, but with revengeful pleasure, the others for not speaking English, taking advantage of every single interview with his well thought and well-presented, well-packed answers, while still trying to act above them all, being quick to dismiss Jungkook when he came with the slang people say he took it from his hooker tattooer, „brekkie”.