Stray Kids

Stray Kids submissions for the 2025 Grammys:
Ate: Album of the Year, Best Pop Vocal Album
Chk Chk Boom: Song of the Year, Record of the Year, Best Music Video, Best Pop Duo/Group Performance
Think about the whole propaganda of them crying, "sharing their feelings" and ruining everyone.
Even for a woman. Girl. It doesn't matter. We should learn to be more solid, more stable. Not overusing our feelings. Crying for every shit.


People like her are the reason why homosexuality and pedophilia are succeeding and becoming the new normal.
Deranged sick people who want to hear - you are perfect the way you are, you work so hard, bla bla.

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Proving my can THIS even exist? This is CRAZY. GENDER DYSPHORIA.

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the other gay...leaving a comment on that dude's picture calling him "papa".... no words.

That woman looks a creep
It's bye bye bye Stray Kids.

what happened is that Stray Kids Fucked up
Credit - AMA video

View media item 479

It was one of those moments, where you ask yourself - WHAT are those people doing? It's not only, that their performance was abysmal, they were lifeless, heavy in their movements (except Felix) and boring.
Their usage of overweight black dancers was once again proof for the fakery and damaging jewish propaganda around "racism", and also using non-asian dancers is equally negative.
Below you can find Nsync's comparison - it isn't the best choreography, but they had SOME life in their faces.
The part, where the tempo is faster was particularly bad, because they were NOT MOVING according to the feeling of the music.

What surprised me the most, was Hyunjin's stiff, unrecognisable dancing, which I will talk about separately in his thread.
What bothered me was also the audience/extras as "public". Everything about it was bad.
Around the end, when they move forward to the front of the stage (when they're all walking), I had a deja vu BTS, the stupid hand moves for no good reason. Why is it that they think, it looks good??
Where is the joy? Where is the honor? Where is the beauty?

View attachment Nsync - Bye, Bye, Bye(American Music Awards 2000).mp4

View attachment NSYNC - Bye Bye Bye - The Atlantis Concert (November 20 2001).mp4
It's bye bye bye Stray Kids.

what happened is that Stray Kids Fucked up
Credit - AMA video

View media item 479

It was one of those moments, where you ask yourself - WHAT are those people doing? It's not only, that their performance was abysmal, they were lifeless, heavy in their movements (except Felix) and boring.
Their usage of overweight black dancers was once again proof for the fakery and damaging jewish propaganda around "racism", and also using non-asian dancers is equally negative.
Below you can find Nsync's comparison - it isn't the best choreography, but they had SOME life in their faces.
The part, where the tempo is faster was particularly bad, because they were NOT MOVING according to the feeling of the music.

What surprised me the most, was Hyunjin's stiff, unrecognisable dancing, which I will talk about separately in his thread.
What bothered me was also the audience/extras as "public". Everything about it was bad.
Around the end, when they move forward to the front of the stage (when they're all walking), I had a deja vu BTS, the stupid hand moves for no good reason. Why is it that they think, it looks good??
Where is the joy? Where is the honor? Where is the beauty?

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They ruined Nsync choreography,looks they have no energy

sooo stupid. This "who paved the way"

NONE of you did. NONE of you are professionals. The crazier the fans, the higher the success. If anything, your sick fans destroying their life paved the way for more madness funded by jews.
Also not about SKZ or Kpop - but I feel that everyone should see these two videos and understand a little how certain things work

Red shield in german

It’s what they did to Romania, who used to be one of the richest countries in the world, due to our natural resources.
Nowadays, IF anyone knows what Romania is, they know only because it’s a poor country filled with gypsies, who are terrorizing Romanians and colonized by the Jews keeping us as slaves.

The “poorest” countries in the world are the richest.

All the “UN/UNICEF” projects are a cover-up to infiltrate and steal the natural resources of other countries. That’s what the Jews are doing and have done so for centuries.
It’s what they did to Romania, who used to be one of the richest countries in the world, due to our natural resources.
Nowadays, IF anyone knows what Romania is, they know only because it’s a poor country filled with gypsies, who are terrorizing Romanians and colonized by the Jews keeping us as slaves.

The “poorest” countries in the world are the richest.

All the “UN/UNICEF” projects are a cover-up to infiltrate and steal the natural resources of other countries. That’s what the Jews are doing and have done so for centuries.
The UN, only when it suits them. They can go to war without the UN, and that’s just what they do. Last examples that come to mind: the war in Irak, threatened to be vetoed in the UN by France and Russia, didn’t keep the war in 2003 from happening. [And then in 2004/2005 Colin Powell acknowledged that much of his 2003 UN presentation was inaccurate.] After so many people died, including so many children. (Even before that, because of the embargo.) After Irak was left in shambles.

The real instruments are the fact that everyone has to take the dollar, or the US army comes, or a political coup / a revolution happens. See also what happened to Libya. The other instruments are the IMF and the World Bank. One has to look at Bretton Woods, and the end of Bretton Woods and what it means in effect.

These so called “hard currencies” vs “soft currencies”. Yeah sure. It just allowed the West and companies from the West to pillage natural resources, or to have cheap labor. Here we’re talking more in terms of global systems. It’s also true for everyone who manufactures abroad to benefit from “dirt cheap” labor because of these very unfair disparities between “developed” and “developing” countries. Yeah… way to describe them. (And the ones who take advantage of these disparities are not all Jewish, far from it).
But as I wrote previously, there’s a de-dollarization that is going on/starting…

Also, about the trends that affect everyone, including in the West - inflation, hyperinflation - that is coming from the money printing from central banks like the Fed, that in effect make people poorer (in real terms, vs nominal terms): they also affect the great majority of the Jews. The fed, the way it’s designed, this is really to the benefit of a few; very few people, few families, and not all of them are Jewish. And even in families like the Rothschilds, for example, some people want nothing to do with their families.

The Unicef, yes, I read about their old child trafficking scandal, (which was quite old, I wonder if anything similar happened recently with them). Unfortunately, it’s not just them, the pedocriminals go where the children are. I remember reading that many organizations that claim to fight pedocriminals are full of them. Awful. Even all the scandals recently about sport coaches (in “developed” countries) show that. One can never be too careful with children. It’s starting to feel like they should never be left out of sight not even for a minute in a locker/changing room until they’re old enough to understand what a pedocriminal is and how to fend for themselves, so basically until they’re adults. It’s really disgusting. But the majority of people who donate to the Unicef or to these organizations, are, I’m sure, well intended. Probably most of the people who work there too.
A lot of people in Africa want NGOs out of their countries, especially with scandals linked to vaccines.

Last point, about something I saw here, yes, the fashion industry is full of people who want to advance the woke/gay propaganda and the sexualization of children (like recently with Balenciaga), and I’ve been reading about that for a while, from well sourced websites, but I've never heard of “baby skin” or human skin being used in the luxury industry. That, to me, sounds a bit too much; for me it’s like these theories about “reptilians” to discredit real information about who really have the power behind the scenes (behind the politicians) and whom it benefits. Most of these products are made in Europe, and even if it’s getting more and more chaotic, there are still laws and regulations, audits, controls, etc. that exist, especially for a company like LVMH that owns Louis Vuitton.
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