"Masons and other cults DO indeed worship the devil/evil/..."
Currently, many do. But initially, free masonry was something else. René Guénon explains that. He is kind of the only one in his field I think. He explained that freemasonry was meant to be an esoteric path for initiation. In Metaphysics, as in that cannot really be explained with words. Two of his important books are "The crisis of the modern world", and "The reign of quantity and the signs of time" (to be read in this order, otherwise it's tough to read Reign - Reign is a bit hard to read anyway, especially the first 6 chapters but I think it's worth reading). Sometimes what he writes is obvious to me, sometimes I'm wondering what he's saying (especially since he likes to use very long sentences with a lot of prepositions), and sometimes it's kind of enlightening. And he explains how we don't actually need to worship or to serve the devil to end up doing so, even if we don't realize.
He explained that freemasonry got corrupted (degenerated) and it became a counter-initiation (so instead of "aiming for" Above, they aim for below), except that he says that it cannot be fully reversed because only Above is infinite, and limitless, and evil has a limit, and will have an end. I'm trying to summarize the idea, but it's really not to be summarized, it's better to read him and to decide what to think.
That's also why all these people (in entertainment) use symbolism, but I think it's kind of ridiculous the way it's done, when one starts to read about what it really is about initially.
A lot of people who join freemasons now sometimes only do it to be part of a network, like a hidden mafia, where there are journalists, judges, politicians etc... and they all help each other in business, justice cases, etc. Whether they "dress up" or not in their "ceremonies/rituals", they really end up working like a hidden network. Always the same idea at the end of the day. And many people who join in the beginning and are low in the hierarchy don't know what the top hierarchy does in terms of rituals, etc... But it seems that it varies a lot from a "lodge" to another, from a cult to another.
I don't know if you knew that but the word sadist comes from Sade, the Marquis de Sade, who was in prison at the time of the French revolution (1789) for horribly abusing and mutilating children. There are evil people in a lot of different place, hidden in a lot of different countries, and supposedly from different religions, and it's not new. Their common point is that they transgress against other people. Some do it in an organized way, with a common purpose, and will not stop at any evil, but there are really evil people in a lot of different places.
Remember what I wrote, that something bad happened, someone takes action, society corrects itself. Actually if evil is too far advanced, society will collapse. Or self implode. Or will be destroyed (for certain people who believe in God).
"I doubt they would sell it in the store to the general population."
That's why I said I doubt that a company like LVMH would do that, (because if I remember correctly, the tweet was about LV). I also know how some of the audits, controls, etc. take place and I really don't think it's plausible for such a company.
"Well, Russia and China are moving away from the dollar and that's a good idea."
I think that many leaders wanted/tried that before (apparently Gaddafi was one of the last ones to want to do that before he died - that is, before he was taken out), but now the way it's happening, (initially because of the sanctions against Russia because of the war in Ukraine, that's the official way they're presenting it), it cannot be avoided and as I wrote previously, Russia cannot be dealt with the way other countries/leaders were dealt with in the past.
"Cezara said once, that she would start by banning all sorts of trading. Then, only allow gold and silver as a currency.
I think this idea would solve half of the world's problems."
Well if you look at Bretton Woods, and the end of it (1971), they did the opposite of that; it's what a lot of the current geopolitical situation relies on. How immense transfer of wealth / stealing of assets has been taking place. [With the help of mainstream media and Hollywood productions to explain to people who the "good guys" and who the "bad guys" are.]
But according to certain people, the gold standard will come back:
I didn't want to write that before (because some people freak out when they hear that), but according to certain religious interpretations, the anti-Christ (or ante-Christ - ante because he comes before Jesus Christ comes back) is going to appear soon in the Middle-East. For people who don't know that, Christianism and Islam recognize Jesus Christ as the messiah (Christ is from the greek Khristos which means messiah). [There are differences, but even then, it depends on certain interpretations.] But Judaism doesn't recognize Jesus as the messiah (and certain texts speak very poorly of him and his mother Mary). They are still waiting for their messiah, and they think that he's coming very soon. (There are different currents in Judaism as well, some think that he should first arrive and then should take them to the promised Holy Land, so it shouldn't be taken by force the way it is now, and some think that the fact that they have superior military power is a sign that he is going to come soon) - anyway, some people think that their messiah is the anti-christ (or the false messiah), and that his arrival will precede the return of Jesus Christ. I'll leave it to anyone to decide what they want to think and to believe in of course. But no need to panic...
So back to the gold standard, a religious scholar says that because paper money (fiat currency) is not based on gold, it doesn't follow God's law, we will get back to the gold standard when the messiah is here, because then God's law will have to be applied. This is part of the "eschatology", the study of the end of times according to certain religions, and the way certain texts/books are interpreted by certain religious scholars.
This is what I know about Freemasons, in a more summarized form: The Freemasons, whose name is Freimaurer, are a jewish organization created in order to control the earth. Prior to them there were a lot of cults/similar attempts, but especially after the fallout of the Ottoman Empire, which made an attempt to expand into Europe, the jews exploded in number, spreading all over the world, in the controlled constellation of Freemasonry, and occupying, enslaving countries one after another.
What is - in some countries such as Germany - labeled as a crime, to say anything about the jews, is no longer a rumor, but a terrifying fact about our existence. Jewish people - lazy, dirty, hating everything that isn't jewish, and living by the holy rule, that the rest of the world, which they, as you know, describe as "goy", are there to be used as slaves.
While Freemasonry, offers a hub of connections, and "solutions" for problems, the main purpose of it, is to allow jews to control everything, and impose their evilness, perversity and disgusting existence on everything and everyone.
They hate nature, they hate art, because they don't understand beauty, divine, good. They want to control both and managed to destroy them both.
In terms of "corruption", I can explain it by following the example of the Freemasons in Romania, which I have the feeling that it is the densest per capita - the homosexuality, promiscuity, alcohol/drugs/pharma, family values - they were all destroyed, once they got rid of Ceaușescu 1989. Everything erupted after this. All the evil they promote came in, they installed themselves all over the place and have destroyed Romania. By they, I mean the jews.
Freemasons equals Jewish Domination/Jewish Control.
There is nothing non-jewish about it and there is no no-jew with power in any country in Europe, America, even the arab-states are led by jewish people.
The Freemasons have rules that exist from day one for everyone - there is no more "family", the "family" are the "brothers", or the "sisters" within the cult. There is a monthly/anual fee to be paid, by everyone within the cult. It has been reported, that the jesuits have established the Freemasonry. The jesuits ask for part of your income/owning to be donated to their cult. The more you give, the more appreciated and worshiped you become.
Jews don't just don't belive in Jesus, as God's son, but they hate him, and go at no length to ridicule him.
He probably pissed off some jews and/or it went against the cult, as we see it today - the moment people look up to someone non-jewish that they don't control, they kill you. As simple as that.
"in a way, we are all Jesus Christ, without the biblical meaning"
The problem with Islam and Jesus, is their obsession with that pedo Mohammed, the fact that Muslims are putting him on a higher pedestal and rarely talk about Jesus, and the lies around Mohammed, a businessman, who couldn't read, couldn't write, and was war-driven.
Muslims also view other religions as a sin and have more similarities regarding their world and women view with jews, than with the rest of the world.
Christianity is the only religion who doesn't label other religions as sinners, nor do we crucify and murder anyone for offending Jesus...
I only have little knowledge about dressing up and rituals, I know they exist, but as you said, at least from my knowledge within the masonry, all those things are only for higher-ups.
The only obvious change/changes for me is in Romania, where, in a country that on the outside cares very much about religion and good things, with people on the streets who used to sell art in form of icons, religious paintings, beautiful landscape, are now engaged through the deranged young-ish people, who aren't of romanian origins, but jewish, or gipsy-ones, to portray promiscuous and devilish statutes, right at the residence of Sector 1 in Bucharest, which is similar to arrondissement in France - a division of a city's areal.
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O expoziție cu statui obscene înfățișând entități antropomorfe infernale este găzduită în holul Primăriei Sectorului 1 București, semnalează ȘpS. Aceasta cuprinde o sirenă la bustul ...
I was not aware of the origins of the word sadist.
I understand your point of view and too much evil will lead to destruction. I don't see why it should be like this. The main fault is the people who are allowing it. Who think, for example :
- I have nothing against homosexuals, as long as they leave me alone
- it's not my business if he cheats on his girlfriend/wife
- It's not BTS/Stray Kids, it's the manager
- it's not promiscuity, it's "living sexuality"
etc. etc.
Yes, it is tiresome and a continuous fight, but if there is a God, I could understand why he would be very angry at this moment, seeing how we allow evil to penetrate our nature, our life, destroy the children, the body, the art.
If we would at least have some balance in our life, to see some good - if we look at the art in Europe / music, painting, architecture, if we look at was was created 300 years ago, even only 100 years ago, the beautiful paintings, the architecture of the houses, the nice clothes people were wearing, and we compare it with now, as someone who has studied art from its beginnings, it frightens me more, because I follow the path of destruction and the two common things is the jewish enslavement/colony and people who are too lazy to stand up for the right things, the right principles and the lack of own moral values/civic duty.