I guess, that I am the masonic dream - every God damn time I find something nearly interesting in the pop world, that's when the specific object of interest begins his downfall.
At first, it was BTS and Taehyung - such a unique voice, funny, nice, gentlemen-like personality, pleasant, gorgeous, interesting.
Then he started with his stupid gimmicks, the cringy flirting, the copied "wanna-be-cool" reactions, tongue sticking, and sex-songs while failing at singing and dancing.
That's when Jungkook rose to my eyes. I liked his "my time: performance and found him to be interesting, even though somehow hidden behind Taehyung up until that time. The constant gaying around and the disturbing mania of putting them both together (not to mention the Jimin-threesome) made if difficult to digest, nevertheless, I became more and more fond of his singing and dancing.
That's when he started with his drugs, recessive tattoos, the sudden constant flirting, then it got up to hi being drunk or high in the lives, totally out of control, while his singing was gone.
Last month I (re)discovered stray kids, especially Hyunjin. Even though, after watching for a month lots of stray kids videos, Felix is still the most stable member on camera, both singing and dancing-wise, Hyunjin just captures everything.
I started watching dancing videos, every since
@AmbruZoe posted her edits, and I liked everything...up until exactly the moment mentioned above, when they resurfaced on my radar with chk chk book.
That's when I got more and more bothered by Hyunjin's constant tongue sticking, as well as I had a deja-vu in regard to his attitude/demeanor on stage. It reminded me of both Taehyung and Jungkook's starting period of their downfall when they stopped being sincere on the stage and used fakery at every moment.
Hyunjin just finished another live, and I noticed the same pattern, as with T&J. In his past lives and public appearances, Hyunjin has engaged more and more in cringy flirting and a douchebag attitude, such as, at a recent event when someone asked him if he can play volleyball or something like that, he answered -
I can play any sports, or something like -
there is nothing that I can't do.
I haven't watched it in full length, cause it got too cringy, but someone put a list together and in today's live, his playlist included lots of fuck-songs, cross-references to T&J playlists from their specific lives. Things like
Cigarettes after Sex, and, of course, we cannot have a playlist without all the devil-worshiping-gays hopping around - lots of songs from daniel caesar.
Then the tongue sticking Taheyung style, the tank top getting half naked - Jungkook style, cringy comment and...just don't read inappropriate comments, rather than reading them and complaining about it.
Another thing - though it concerns the other members as well - is the typical "oh, poor us, we're injured". Last week at the fanmeeting, Hyunjin was wearing tapes meant to stabilize the tendons (? I hope that this is the proper translation), He looked and made it visible, that he has shoulder pain...
It is always the same story, the same fan comments - poor babies, overworked, hurting, etc... Don't stick it to the eye, if you are hurt, just keep it to yourself.
As far as the constant "hurting" goes - this is not even 0,000001% similar to the work of a ballet dancer. The only reason, that they get hurt, or better said - the reason why they get hurt are things that I've been saying for years:
They sustain muscle aches and maybe some lactic acidosis, because they don't train regularly. They just go a few days/week before some event on full modus, then appear hurt on the shows preceding the events. It's always the same.
They don't seem to have real dance teachers, someone with a solid background, but rather some wanna-be breakdancer, like that Australian lunatic from the Olympics.
They just slump and suck on so many carbs and ramen, sugar-filled beverages, that it makes me vomit.
- no discipline and lack of sleep
The "no discipline" falls into the "lack of practice" category, because they could just devote one hour per day to do some minor training, but they don't. And the lack of sleep----they think it is "cool" to do lives at night, and/or go to sleep late, but it is very damaging for the health. Hyunjin's live ended about one hour ago, which makes it around 3 in the night in South Korea?
The constant calling of Changbin "his wife" and the whole gay couple is taken to a next level with them.
It's a shame. Turning so quickly from someone clearly special and unusual to the same douchery that got T&J to become the losers that they are.
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Taehyung's cringiness
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Jungkook's cringiness, talking about showering
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