Hyunjin Hwang

Cezara-Lucia Vlădescu

July 7, 2024


I never stay alone
It’s always more than just one door
Front, back,
Unaccounted for
Beauty is wrong
You don’t cry for me, I know
I cry for two, and it still hurts,
Wish I could tell the truth,
But what for –
We all know it, still ignore.
People rather lay in lie
Suffer for the Wrong, than what’s Right
Live, as if they don’t know why
Die, as if they wished to live one more time.
I never stay alone
It’s always more than just one door
I have to find out who’s behind
I lived and lied,
Now I’m alone.

I am going to start posting about Hyunjin. I remember that years ago, I talked about his dancing skills
I've been watching a few Stray Kids videos for the past days and I have to say, it has become more enjoyable to watch, than any other bands. They have a good dynamic, the level of dancing is kept organic - as oppose to BTS, where only Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok are carrying the band, while the rest should be banned for life to go on stage and it's more fun to watch their interviews, it's simple. Easy.

With BTS it is too much of a show-off, too cringy, too forced, they want to come over as some sort of superpower, when in fact they are idiots in hiding.

To be fair - I have watched a lot of BTS content and not so much SK (I have to find a different abbreviation, not to be confused with South Korea), but despite the usual gayness pushed in the show, there is some level of easiness.

Unfortunately, the same issues occur, when you try to push a narrative because it is the quick money route.
I realized, that if I only watch Felix dancing and singing, things are more natural. But the over-stylization of his girlish/anime features is ruining the whole situation with his looks. I saw some videos of him with a normal haircut and brown hair - he would have so much more to gain, if his style would be normal. It would emphasize more on his weird looks and be perfect with the deep voice.

Yet, they push this tooth-fairy image and it's destroying him.

I named the thread "Hyunjin", because that's what I wanted to start talking about, but would talk as well about SKZ.

Weirdly enough, when I see him talking in interviews, dancing and singing, he gives me less gay vibes.

Last, but not least - the name of their fans as a collective - STAY - bullshit. Same for MOA.
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Even their videos are so much better, worlds apart, from BTS.

Unfortunately, it's is annoying, that out of all people, Hyunjin does not speak English, but I have to say, seeing him dancing with Morphine as a background edit and the focus on some of the videos...it's a tie between him and felix. He dances better as Felix, but I kind of feel, that he would be better solo. Felix is more suitable for the group and can be center without disturbing. Hyunjin has that "something" , unfortunately not enough improved.
His dancing in the first video of the thread is good, but he has the skills to do so much more out of it.
It's a shame how those companies don't know how to nourish and take care of those who are really good.

Even their videos are so much better, worlds apart, from BTS.

Unfortunately, it's is annoying, that out of all people, Hyunjin does not speak English, but I have to say, seeing him dancing with Morphine as a background edit and the focus on some of the videos...it's a tie between him and felix. He dances better as Felix, but I kind of feel, that he would be better solo. Felix is more suitable for the group and can be center without disturbing. Hyunjin has that "something" , unfortunately not enough improved.
His dancing in the first video of the thread is good, but he has the skills to do so much more out of it.
It's a shame how those companies don't know how to nourish and take care of those who are really good.

It seems that every group is better than Bts
It seems that every group is better than Bts
I'm seriously caught in this Stray Kids thing, though I must say, Hyunjin sticks out. Felix as well. But yeah, I can't belive what I am seeing. Compared with BTS and Jungkook. Hopefully Hyunjin doesn't end like Jungkook. Jungkook started also promising.
I guess, that I am the masonic dream - every God damn time I find something nearly interesting in the pop world, that's when the specific object of interest begins his downfall.
At first, it was BTS and Taehyung - such a unique voice, funny, nice, gentlemen-like personality, pleasant, gorgeous, interesting.
Then he started with his stupid gimmicks, the cringy flirting, the copied "wanna-be-cool" reactions, tongue sticking, and sex-songs while failing at singing and dancing.
That's when Jungkook rose to my eyes. I liked his "my time: performance and found him to be interesting, even though somehow hidden behind Taehyung up until that time. The constant gaying around and the disturbing mania of putting them both together (not to mention the Jimin-threesome) made if difficult to digest, nevertheless, I became more and more fond of his singing and dancing.
That's when he started with his drugs, recessive tattoos, the sudden constant flirting, then it got up to hi being drunk or high in the lives, totally out of control, while his singing was gone.
Last month I (re)discovered stray kids, especially Hyunjin. Even though, after watching for a month lots of stray kids videos, Felix is still the most stable member on camera, both singing and dancing-wise, Hyunjin just captures everything.
I started watching dancing videos, every since @AmbruZoe posted her edits, and I liked everything...up until exactly the moment mentioned above, when they resurfaced on my radar with chk chk book.
That's when I got more and more bothered by Hyunjin's constant tongue sticking, as well as I had a deja-vu in regard to his attitude/demeanor on stage. It reminded me of both Taehyung and Jungkook's starting period of their downfall when they stopped being sincere on the stage and used fakery at every moment.

Hyunjin just finished another live, and I noticed the same pattern, as with T&J. In his past lives and public appearances, Hyunjin has engaged more and more in cringy flirting and a douchebag attitude, such as, at a recent event when someone asked him if he can play volleyball or something like that, he answered - I can play any sports, or something like - there is nothing that I can't do.
I haven't watched it in full length, cause it got too cringy, but someone put a list together and in today's live, his playlist included lots of fuck-songs, cross-references to T&J playlists from their specific lives. Things like Cigarettes after Sex, and, of course, we cannot have a playlist without all the devil-worshiping-gays hopping around - lots of songs from daniel caesar.

Then the tongue sticking Taheyung style, the tank top getting half naked - Jungkook style, cringy comment and...just don't read inappropriate comments, rather than reading them and complaining about it.

Another thing - though it concerns the other members as well - is the typical "oh, poor us, we're injured". Last week at the fanmeeting, Hyunjin was wearing tapes meant to stabilize the tendons (? I hope that this is the proper translation), He looked and made it visible, that he has shoulder pain...
It is always the same story, the same fan comments - poor babies, overworked, hurting, etc... Don't stick it to the eye, if you are hurt, just keep it to yourself.
As far as the constant "hurting" goes - this is not even 0,000001% similar to the work of a ballet dancer. The only reason, that they get hurt, or better said - the reason why they get hurt are things that I've been saying for years:

  • - lack of practice
They sustain muscle aches and maybe some lactic acidosis, because they don't train regularly. They just go a few days/week before some event on full modus, then appear hurt on the shows preceding the events. It's always the same.

  • - wrong practice
They don't seem to have real dance teachers, someone with a solid background, but rather some wanna-be breakdancer, like that Australian lunatic from the Olympics.

  • - wrong nutrition
They just slump and suck on so many carbs and ramen, sugar-filled beverages, that it makes me vomit.
  • no discipline and lack of sleep
The "no discipline" falls into the "lack of practice" category, because they could just devote one hour per day to do some minor training, but they don't. And the lack of sleep----they think it is "cool" to do lives at night, and/or go to sleep late, but it is very damaging for the health. Hyunjin's live ended about one hour ago, which makes it around 3 in the night in South Korea?

The constant calling of Changbin "his wife" and the whole gay couple is taken to a next level with them.

It's a shame. Turning so quickly from someone clearly special and unusual to the same douchery that got T&J to become the losers that they are.

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Taehyung's cringiness

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Jungkook's cringiness, talking about showering


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This was the EXACT same theme and thing with Taehyung - starting thousands of things, never settling for something, and doing it good. This mumbling...it's an excuse for not working. Not doing anything.

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What I was talking about yesterday....regarding his fans-click-baiting with "my wife"...


THIS. Needs. To. Stop.

Those cringy comments that boy groups are directing to their fans. And then...get mad if the young people are taking it seriously...


He had fans only 14 years old, asking him if they would be friends. And the same as with T&J, at the same time playing sex songs.

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Another thing, that I remembered as a parallel to T&J's downfall - the lives used to be interactive, they would sing something, tell a story, etc.
Hyunjin would often (from what I've noticed in the lives I watched so far) dance, sing, or even paint. He has beautiful paintings. But the past lives have been as problematic, as TJ's, where they would just do a live, with nothing to say, except put their face in the display and read worshiping comments.

It's weird to go, as an observer, so quickly, through the same phase i went - at a slower pace - with TJ's
I also see the pattern with BTS - Hyunjin being used, but not promoted. I see the same complaints, as in Taehyung's case. Whenever you search for a Stray Kids Video on YouTube, most of the videos have Hyunjin as a thumbnail.
He is the most popular member.
Yet, he gets the least amount of lines and screentime during videos.

He is in the middle of every commercial, the main attraction, but...I am sure, same as it turned out to be with BTS, that he doesn't get paid accordingly. He also worships his parents, etc...Who most likely are in control of his finances.

Tommy Hilfiger's latest commercial with Stray Kids has been released and I remember how Hilfiger's commercial (not just this one) have a heavy disturbing gay pedophilic vibe - the members all look very young in this commercial. Now tell me - why would a "fashion brand" promoting men's clothing, rely heavily on this image? Young boys, seemingly innocent?

You cannot ignore, that the only thing sticking into the eye, is Hyunjin

I notice that after the member Kim Woojin left they became more dark,maybe he refused to certain things and he was kicked out
I notice that after the member Kim Woojin left they became more dark,maybe he refused to certain things and he was kicked out
I personally did not notice changes in the style...that guy was trouble, from what I've read. Drugs, alcohol and sexual misconduct.
yeah, unfortunately, as I've said...same agenda, same type of cringiness, same type of downfall..that's how it started.

Same, as Bang did with Jungkook - they put the most famous member as a front, pushing lives, to draw attention.
Then...this inappropriate behavior..


This was from today's live. Only less than two days after his last one.