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What those girls manage to do, as previously said, is to worsen a situation which was already problematic and going into the wrong direction - going into "kpop", the way their industry exists at this moment, is a proof of child abuse (by their parents), mind control (no, not in a black magic way of thinking, but simply normal mind control, like we see in adults via commercials, entertainment, newspapers) and a lowering of IQ.
"Poaching" employees, clients, contract partners (because at this moment THEY - as in children/parents signing such a contract - can only be one of the three) is not illegal.
I am not stealing, and if I have a better offer, then I should be allowed to present it. This isn't tampering.
What this statement shows, is the severity of the situation, of the environment and of the abuse - they use parents who are selling their own children.
No person in their right mind, or, in legal terms, in their full mental capacity (please notice this!) would sign contracts where you allow a stranger whose only interest is to profit from you, at your expense and damage, to own you both physically and mentally, to such an extent, that your physical appearance can and will be altered without your consent or approval and the human traits that define your personality, your reactions, your feelings, your decisions, are being controlled and decided by someone else
This is though what, for those who are underage, the parents are doing and those who are of legal age even renew their contract (BTS, Stray Kids), only to avoid reality, life, responsibility, work, education.
There is no danger, no illegality to approach people with offers who might be better suitable.
The only danger is, that they know how easy to buy and manipulate those people are.
Once again South Korea proves, while leading a politic of how bad the human rights in North Korea are, that they are masters when it comes to abuse.
I'd rather give my children to someone in North Korea to make men out of them and teach women how to properly behave, than watching my daughter doing a sex dance in her underwear on a stage, or my boy gaying around and touching another man, while wearing pink glitter doll crown.