Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

Apparently all the drama for nothing - it was a normal COMPILATION of comments on the internet


Let me very clear - they could have canceled Jungkook's movie screening, but they chose not to. Nobody gives a fuck about Namjoon. Making a ... silent (?) political statement equalling NOTHING, is the proof of how stupid their fans are.
They put Namjoon's face on some meaningless action of a documentary, where as if Jungkook's documentary wouldn't have been streamed in Israel and with an accompanying statement, it would have been something better than nothing.
Namjoon....nobody cares about him. And it's not as if he made a statement, CLEARLY saying - I no longer work with Hybe/Bang/jewish killers.

BTS's friends

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One of the worst things that happened to anyone involved with Bang - their "choreographer"
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-----"cute babies"......

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Oh, please...they always find a way to make it public

Of coooourse, they got to keep their phones with them...

They made the same connection with G-Dragon and taehyung - the scarf

What's this stupid article? That's how things work. Microsoft pays Apple employees "X" twice the amount to come over and work for them. CEO of a bank switches position to rival bank, etc...In life you look for the best people. Usually...







Jungkook Now with botched face, under the influence of psych meds, alcohol, and drugs. Oh, let's not forget the company of the hookers.

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This USED to be Jungkook.

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He looks older with all that surgery
To the person who sent me this . thank you. It made my day.

BTS's hooker friends

Of course he has. Everyone has their own RECORDS

Can they also post the lotto numbers in advance? Cause...THIS does NOT surprise me

I actually wanted to write the same thing, except that the user is making excuses for them. Namjoon isn't important and while Jungkook had extensive collaboration with jewish people, who can cash in on his earnings, Namjoon did not have. So for them to book a venue, where next to no people would come, is a win, given the fact, that fans will think, that he did it for humanitary reasons.
Unless he has NOTHING to do with Bang and Universal, etc. anymore, Namoon is no different than any other jewish murderer ass kisser.

let's not forget

Hei, guys. Have I reminded you today, that BTS members are BABIES?

They should call themselves ARMY FOR ISRAEL, those lunatics

Let's not forget her obsession with Namjoon

Room for more pedophiles

Please...they are NOTHING over

LeBron James must be one of the most disgusting people from the entertainment world.


little girls need little boys looking like even more little girls

He said no, because he gay


This is what I have to live with

...they implemented it, so that BTS can get easier around, with not following the rules


what red flag?? What are they talking about? Those fans making up things that don't exist



Why should they suffer anything? NewHookers are not important

besties....what does it mean??

what a spoiled idiot

THis one?

This is soooo funny, LOUIS

Notice the propaganda / TOXIC. TOXIC MASCULINITY. Let's have all men be gay sickos. That's not toxic, that's BAD relationship. toxic is having a food poisoning. Releasing toxins out of your body. I understand the principle of someone being TOXIC, but it's such a superficial term when applied in the situations, that the propaganda wants you to repeat - always simple, stupid, pretentious words.

Oh yes. ARMY and Beyonce





What a disgusting world and people


another one trying to get fumbled by him


I think it's the right thing to do, if really true. Though...fans have been complaining for years about each member, that Bang doesn't post about different events...either way...Jungkook thought he was THE catch and was hoping for more NewHookers









As far as I know, there are two other forums around BTS, on the language-speaking side - the vigiliantcitizenforum and the lipstickalley. After 5 years, people still copy my ideas and then go to the other forums to post there MY work. Without credit.
No wonder this forum has 63k as for today, yet I do most of the talking.

People claiming "social injustice", knowing that I have often spoken, about my work being stolen...Recently someone sent me an entry of a user on Lipstickalley using the nickname "Bangshit". I came up with this nickname, years ago, along with BandPedo/PedoBang and BigShit, when people were constantly using abbreviations no one would understand, to hide the fact, that they were talking about BTS, or Bang/BigHit.
Back then, I tried to explain that people cannot search for BTS/Bang, etc., by using abbreviations for no reason. such as 876 for BTS, or J000k, whatever.

It's interesting, how people won't comment on this forum, yet visit it, then steal my work and post it on other forums. With no credit.

For example, as someone who has lived on her own skin, how competition works, I know for a fact and I wrote about it, that whatever tactics BangShit is using, it's something very common. Coroporate espionage, sabotage, buying editors from one newspaper, while the others are buying form the rival newspaper.
I wrote about it a while ago.

Once I posted about the fact, that whatever was "exposed" the past weeks, this inquiry and gathering of information, the "sabotage" or a compilation of comments on the internet, gathered together by Bang's team, is the usual procedure. Something that other companies are doing as well.

Surprise surprise...to find out the exact comment on VigilangCitizenForum sent over by someone to me. AFTER it was posted by me.

Whenever I am not that active, no specific technical/professional comments are being made on other forums.
Whenever I do post an analysis, people run over like chickens to other forum and write there.

You are welcome to write in here and have a conversation in HERE, on my ideas. I welcome and enjoy new information, I am lucky to have someone helping me out with sending over information (........💙........ ) and people in here of which I am happy to find out, that I was able to help open their eyes and bring some information about the entertainment industry.
this made me laugh, I posted about it earlier, but this one post was the first one I saw on this topic.

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Yes, true. It is mental illness, but it's their (boy bands, male "singers") most powerful manipulation tool. So rather than attacking the fans, go against the people who need it more than the fans.

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ALWAYS, AAAAALWWAAAAAYS the "work hard" excuse...

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looks good. Credit to the owner.

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