Hyunjin Hwang

...but then they are upset because fans become jealous, or "too attached"...

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Here we go, every day. "my wife"...

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from this post -

lastly - I can understand BTS being on this list, but what is the reason for Eunwoon at no 1 and anyone in that list 1-10? Also it seems a bit weird, that Woonbin is at 9 while Hyunjin at 18?

Years ago, I wrote...well I keep reminding about it and writing, how many staffers are hookers and many of them are from that pile of obsessed rich fans, who actually PAY money to be part of the "staffer" "makeup", so that they can touch the members continuously.

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What is this for a question?? Always, the same type of attention seeking - Oh, I can't do this. I can't do that. Hardship. I have exams. I am scared, blabla.
What the fuck do you mean by "how to I write a diary?"

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I remembered this one here, because I found it weird, that she did the same thing a few years back with Taehyung.
Now it's Hyunjin...

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yes, and even though not related to that song, but I also suspect some love issues as being the reason to his behavioural changes


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This is the same song. Unacceptable for everyone involved. It is the same sound, same tempo, same harmonies, same progression, same everything.
By the way - never liked cigarettes after sex. All their songs sound the same, now I know why I didn't liked this song. And this producer, JOHA, why the hell to they have him around, everything he does is bad.

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THIS is the exact type of embarrassing and deranged behaviour, that made it insufferable to watch BTS. The fake victimizing agenda and how they have no shame, no masculinity, no sanity, to use this kind of tactics, only to emulate more insane "babying" feelings from their underage fans.

I do both - the suction and the tapes. It's part of physiotherapy and I enjoy it. Despite the optics, there is no pain. The suction marks (the red ones) are from the object sucking the upper layer of your tissue, and the marks do stay on the skin for a few days sometimes, but they do not hurt.
The therapeutic tape (in german - kinesioband) is a alternative method to stabilize the muscle, the tissue and to encourage the lymphatic system.
While their beneficial effects are not medically proven, I do not mind wearing them every now and then. The only problem is, that if you wear them, you better be sure, that you don't go around jumping, because not only you work against them, but it's incomfortable.
There is no point in wearing them if you are going to perform/move.
This is different from wearing a cast.

For him to ever so often show himself to the public wearing those tapes, is ridiculous and the fact that he's doing it craving for attention, makes it even worse. I can't believe how someone turned out from obviously being special and different than the other idiots, into an even worse idiot than the ones behind him.

Similar as with Jungkook's situation (and it surprises me, that someone mentioned drugs in relation to Hyunjin), something happened in July with him, and he changed tremendously both his behaviour, as well as appearance. I don't mean the haircut.
Same as with Jungkook, one can watch videos from the past, and notice how both of them were training as a routine, their bodies, only for this to abruptly changed, parallel to their behavioural changes, possible psych-meds, and cringy lives, as well as cringy behaviour on stage, amongst others constantly showing their bodies, like staffer hookers.

Hyunjin stopped training somewhere in July. This is from their Hyde Park performance in 2024.

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After that...at best....he would do some lifting a few days before their performances, who aren't that numerous.

Him wearing the tapes, only to show that he is in "pain" is ridiculous and a fakery. If he would be in pain, it would be best NOT to wear those tapes. It doesn't help. You are really stiff. You can't move freely and it doesn't help.
But....fans must cry and write obituary already.

Giving the fact that many ballerinas have to perform with constant pain, infections, blood, etc. , this is again a mockery towards real injuries and real difficulties people experience and have to deal with in their profession.
Despite the fake drama of being in pain, he was only in pain when he had to show it, but otherwise, when he was deliberately and freely walking around the crowd, allowing crazy girls to touch his body....that didn't hurt...

Oh, boy.

Yeah, as far as the drugs consumption goes, I don't now about it, but it's clearly that he is on some psych meds and that him living with that nutjob of Changbin was a bad idea.


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Guess it doesn't hurt here anymore...

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best friends my ass...only children with deranged parents would be allowed to believe in such a nonsense.
How do you think the other members feel, when the fans only ask about Hyunjin? Over and over again? I've seen this happening with all the members - they always get questions asked related to Hyunjin.

Do you really believe that in their deranged sick world, focused only on appearances, Hyunjin, who is by far the most handsome one, is really liked by Felix, who is half his size ? Or Changbin, who most likely enjoys seeing Hyunjin gone and being useless at this point? Gone as in the destructive state he is at this moment....

Namjoon couldn't hide his envy toward Taehyung and BTS post 2018 was a mistake either way, it became so dependent on Taehyung and Jungkook, so focused, that all other members vanished.

JYP is doing the opposite with Hyunjin, but in a negative way - he is so above the rest, yet unused by the company, that without him, Stray Kids has nothing interesting to offer.
After focusing on them for the past 7 months or so, I realized that their lack of success is - similar as with BTS - once again because of the obsession of making money as much as possible, and this only happens if it's all of them, or nothing.
Once again it is proven, that no company and no "manager" (though we talked about it, and how they don't have a "manager" individually, and that those weirdos travelling with them are sent by the company to control the) acts in their best interest.

BTS made the mistake to lose the individuality which was more present before 2018, before their gay american fame.
Stray Kids made the mistake to not put Hyunjin in the middle and use him the way Bang used Jungkook.

The difference between Jungkook and Hyunjin is that Jungkook is average and Hyunjin was too good to be in the band.

In the end they both destroyed themselves because of the same stupid issues, same problems, same desperation, same parents using them, same people surrounding them (again, pill addict obese Changbin?? and now Han, who is also acting weirdly and gain a lot of weight..?) and trying to make up for the lack of attention professionally, with sometimes cringy, sometimes problematic behaviour, both during lives, as well as on the stage.



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The writer of the article was to cry over Taehyung, Jungkook and the rest of the BTS. There wasn't a week where I wouldn't see something that she posted about them.
This is the type of crazy deranged fans they hire in the few magazines outthere, that rule the world. In a bad way.

Notice the ugly clothes he's promoting, this bag is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen in my life and the rest of the clothes are uglier than the ones poor people wear.

I am also troubled about this one.

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There is no reason to turn the books, unless it is something you shouldn't read in the first place, as in sexual, or the mentioned issue with books about lesbians, or, stupid things that show a low intelligence level.

Again...it appears so that they switched everything, so they made sure to hide very well their private lives, so that they can keep the lie alive.
They should have just done the live behind a plain wall.
Not this fake intimacy to manipulate fans and make them believe that they are together and have access to private viewings, which only a wife should have access to.
This is why the fans go crazy, because deep down, their sub-conscience knows, that those stories, those lives, the intimacy is something that only married people experience and it is the beauty of a relation.



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It also looks like a tattoo to me, I hope, very much hope, it is not.
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slow motion:
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Homework: catch the problem with those two pictures

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it was something on his belt, not tattoo

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This is pure sickness and madness.
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let's use them and sell ugly fabric

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Something about this whole story reminds me about the weird coupling between Taehyung, his dog, his mother and then Jimin's parents. Those parents are really hungry for money and fame. More than them.

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