Hyunjin Hwang


Warning of this account, it says stupid things, but sounds like a staffer behind it, because of the wording and quite...blunt and somehow official-sounding-propaganda.

This is soooo deranged, so MENTALLY ILL, What the hell is going on with those criminal of "parents" ?
Not even towards a baby should one cry "you are so adorable, you do so well, you are a genius" , etc.

5 seconds ago they were aaaaall about how pedo psycho Donatella LOVES Hyunjin. I notice that everything he wore in the past, including the last time he "visited" the store and had a photoshopping, wasn't even FITTED on him, they didn't even BOTHER to fit the clothes - everything was too big for him.
Donatella took so much care of him, and he is "SOOOOOOOO MUCH" involved in the process of choosing what he wears, that Cartier didn't even bother to post something about him, after they sold the items he was wearing and Versace/Donatella dressed him last minute with something he was not comfortable wearing because of the see-through issue, so they made him wear TWO shirts of the same kind, to make it more opaque.

Everything about these statements is absolutely wrong.
In the first place, whatever we do, profession-wise, we do it for us, for the respect we have for what we want to do, or have to do.
Especially art isn't something you do for "fans", which by definition comes from "fanaticism", being obsessed with someone. Doing it for the obsession of the youth, who sees a cute little guy, being sucked into a parasocial relationship, is DEATH for the art. It's not about dancing, or singing anymore. It's about getting applause like a monkey.
Even monkeys get bored.

View attachment rreg.mp4werwt.png
Don't act surprised, if the sole purpose of entering a chat room, is for some psychopaths to worship you and then it doesn't go out as planned...


Even though I am not getting paid, allow me again to educate you for free - Banksy is one of the biggest fraud of this century, most notably known for his apparent "annonimity", which is the reason why he's famous, because people try to chance who is behind him - a puppet funded by Soros, with no relation whatsoever to "art". It is amazing, how awful people can be tricked, when they don't educate themselves.

I have not watched the video below, only snippets.

I know from inner circles, that whoever Banksy is, he is funded by Soros, who like many others, finances both sides and has them fight against each other.

When the lesbian idiot carola rackete, another Soros funded looser, was denied entrance with her boat filled with criminals in Italy, she ignored the orders, which would have allowed anyone to shoot her.
She was unharmed, she knowingly provoked a situation that could have ended up deathly, and - at that time interior minister - Matteo Salvini is facing possible 5 years in prison....for protecting his country...?

I've seen stories of Banksy and Rackete that make me vomit, because the situation in Europe is highly problematic. They let it not those fleeing wars, they let in the worst of the criminals, to make people even more miserable here, stripping us of all our rights, and dignity, humiliating us, and keeping us in our homes like slaves.
I haven't been able to go out for a walk in the places I used to go, because I risk being raped by migrants. I went out for a walk a few hours ago, and in the park where I usually do this, I got hit by an Muslim, who looked first left and right to see if there was anyone coming.

Every since they legalized weed in Germany (for medical purposes my ass), everyone in the parks is high, drunk, and dangerous.
I don't even live in a poor area, I live in a medium decent one. But the number of criminals is on such a huge rise, that only the very rich can enjoy their walk on the outside.
Only a blind person would consider this to be "art"

This is soooo troublesome...
"baby pigyy"?
It's me, stay??

STAY? what is this supposed to mean?

Their society is filled with crazy women. This is someone working for the South Korean airport. This nutjob has access to all sort of information and data.

Op_works_at_the_airport_and_met_Hyunjin_when_he_wa.jpgOp_works_at_the_airport_and_met_Hyunjin_when_he_wa (1).jpg

This is disturbing.
Apparently, this is a Hyung-obsessed gay, working for Versace. He posts pictures with him, has contact to him, I remember posting something about him earlier.
What is this for a freak show?
Imagine this being a woman obsessed with him and having access to his personal details. Why do they let those sickos near them and what does it says about a company, when a sick gay is obsessed with a client/business partner.
This gay guy's entourage looks very....normal....


I doubt, that he has any idea what where how Palestine is, jewish devil, or anything remotely related to the ongoing issues. Even so, Banksy is a jew funded by soros and other jewish billionaires.
As someone claiming to appreciate art, banksy is an example of what art ISN'T. His ugly and bad shittings on a canvas, or paper, are unbearable to watch. Even seeing that little image while writing makes me angry, that art doesn't require a qualification and shit like this is being promoted.
Take a look at the sistine chapel and then compare it with this shit.


Counting how many times I used the word "shit" today...either way....what is this shit again? Some gay sicko with 31 k followers (?? so what?) writing something about not being able for him (and his gay ass penis) to forget Hyunjin's "somewhat feminine and cat-likfe appearance" ?

Why is this something they think that it's worth mentioning, and how come that they always, immediately find out about this meaningless stuff and are posting it...Someone from the company feeding stupid meaningless stuff
