"In October 1917 a gang of Talmudic Bolsheviks came to power in Russia.What crimes did they commit during the first years of their rule?
- Legalization of sodomy
- Legalization of Abortions
- Forced vaccinations
- ‘Harems’ of Russian maidens for Commissars (during Red Terror/Civil War period)
- Ritual murder basements in CHEKA offices (most famous in Yekaterinburg, Kiev, Odessa, Petrograd). Survivors described ‘ankle-deep’ chambers of blood
- Construction of a Talmudic Babylonian Ziggurat on the Red Square
- Murder of 180+ Orthodox Christian bishops- Murder of thousands of junior clergymen, monks and nuns
- Ritual murders across the county, promotion of cults (New & Old Zion under Lenin’s secretary Vladimir Bonch-Bruyevich)
- Construction of a political system in which promotion would only be possible if you married a woman
- Extrajudicial murder of thousands of WWI veterans, and their families
- Tax rates increased up to 88% for those who belonged to or were related to ‘families of Orthodox priests and deacons’
- Forced labor camps for anyone who spoke out about, published or promoted antisemitic opinions
- Closing down of thousands of Churches, Monasteries & Cathedrals (Example: by 1941 the entire territory of Belarus had 0 open Orthodox Churches)
- Closing down of all Orthodox Christian schools and seminaries
- Promotion of ‘Atheism lessons’ in all schools for children between the ages of 6 and 18
- Homeschooling was made illegal. All children were forced to attend Communist-run public education institutions with Marxist curricula
- Banning of all conservative, nationalist and pro-Russian newspapers, journals and book printing businesses
- Complete reform of the Justice system according to Marxist principles. Numerous convicted terrorists released from prison by November 1917
- Unjustified promotion of pedophiles into the Soviet bureaucracy, such as Beria, Stalin, the three Kaganovich brothers, etc
- Promotion of Finnish, Ukrainian & Central Asian separatism (primarily by Lenin and Stalin personally)
- Artificial promotion of Ukrainian ‘Mova’ language in the territory of the УССР
- Appointment of terrorist Leon ‘Trotsky’ Bronstein to lead the Red Army (including the introduction of the Masonic Red Star)
- Opening numerous synagogues across Ukraine and mainland Russia
- Promotion of Zionism & the Rothschild creation of the state of Israel (Stalin and his ministers were guilty of this)
- Theft & fraud on an unprecedented historical scale. The savings and monetary deposits of the average Russian citizens in all banks were seized and ‘nationalized’
- A large portion Russian Imperial gold reserves donated to (Dönmeh) Ataturk’s Revolution in Turkey, and the genocide of Greeks and Armenians
- Signing of the treasonous 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, surrendering Russian citizens and territory to the German Empire (essentially a Bolshevik repayment of Talmudic Ashkenzi-German banker credits)
- Exporting of left-wing Bolshevik ideological terror-squads to other European countries (Austro-Hungary, Germany, Yugoslavia, China, etc)- Destruction of over 20 relics of saints, 10+ miracle-working icons & immeasurable other Christian holy objects
- Creation of documentaries and movies aiming to spread atheism among the ‘goyim’ (regular Russian people)- Murder of countless Islamic elders who remained loyal to the Russian Tsars for centuries
- Complete genocide of the Baltic German nobility, (descendants of Crusaders 60% of which were Orthodox, others Lutheran & Catholic by 1917). Simply because they remained loyal to the Russian Empire & Tsar
- Unique Volga German community members physically erased or sent to gulags in Siberia
- Destruction of almost every facet of Russian culture, namely: Architecture, Music, Dress (traditional clothing), alphabet, suppression of Church Slavonic, Farming techniques, Russian Cuisine, Marriage ceremonies, Traditional medicine
- Idols of Marxism installed all over Russia"