Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

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Alone for the lack of respect and offense, they should be imprisoned. Sick gays.

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no words...

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give it up to the gays, always doing the wrong things.

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different propaganda for this gay nutjob. .one newspaper lies and writes, that he was let go because of his "anti-trump" comments...

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neeeeeed this

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the bottom
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This is how almost every commercial looks like in europe. invaded by islamists. But ofcourse, the black handsome dude is a better replacement for a dark skinned person.
Yet, this is Europe.
I wouldn't go to Asia and expect commercials with non-asians.

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God please no

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This ain't no dancing, this is hookering

Chaeryeong - WANNABE @ Music Bank Global Festival

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My analysis on the tricks used by people who can't dance, can't do choreographies.
Those people are hired to create moves that look "difficult", like Beyonce's asshole - hemorrhoid - dances - who are in fact very easy to execute.
Notice how the body doesn't move. It's all a mix of creating moves where the legs are stiff and the hands move around without meaning.

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This guy does a better job

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And now, notice again they quality of the people they engage with - worst of the worst. This exorcist has no business in touching this profession. DANCING. The hookering she is doing is not dancing.
I guess it fits with the lesbian porn pictures.

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2 million units?? This cannot be real.
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Forgot to add this video. Same issue - stiff body, sumo-leg-position and that's it.

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their fans ....just don't want to accept - it is the company and the members, that sign up for this, so that they can trend and their most eager fans pay more money to them.

Their obsessed fans are causing only damage. Not just NewHooker's fans, but all those psychopathic fans, that can't LIVE, if you say out the truth.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT?? have they been directly harassed? What is the sexual harassment?
MALICIOUS COMMENTS? Oh yeah, I forgot, you can't state the obvious - that they can't dance and can't sing. ...so hey! we're going to brand it as "malicious".
heinous and defamatory? like what? Jimin sucking dick while Bang is touching his ass on the Grammy carpet?
Or as in every girl from a kpop group exposing all of their bodies, while mimicking sex-moves on stage?

HAHAHA. Hei, Ador. Reality check much?

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The comment is correct, eventhough as halfjoke meant, probably, but this isn't something that kids should talk about, or even ask about. I remember being a child and I didn't understood what they are talking about, but it felt somehow like "adult' stuff...

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Whaaaat the fuck is this??

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