Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

"[Law] NewJeans' Hani (19) consulted ADOR's new CEO Kim (48) about being bullied at HYBE, but he dismissed her, saying, "There's no evidence." Angry fans asked the government to investigate the case for possible violation of the Labor Standards Act. However, idols are not employees, so the Labor Standards Act does not apply to them. It was explained that Hani is not protected under the current law. It was inevitable that the members would seek Min Heejin (44)."

A few questions:
- I understand, that some aspects of their contract prevent them from speaking publicly, but not in case of abuse. Little Miss Innocent, as far as I know, has not given any example of being bullied. She mentioned that someone said to someone else "ignore her"....That's not bullying
- actually, that was my question.

even if SK is a jewish american colony, there are some things, that should remain somehow...SOUTH KOREAN?
This is absolutely bullshit. We have national charts, for each country. The south Korean chart system, should NOT include any other global charts, nevermind the whole manipulation and fans buying fake streams.
Just the principle itself...it is a NATIONAL thing. Don't include GLOBAL CHARTS.


talking about south Korean and jewish gay colony....



"hybe is so weird? This is the first time seeing an entertainment company that has no feelings for artists"

OH MY GOD, how stupid. Educate yourselves, people. Otherwise, you ruin the world even

they make a living by playing the victim and always acting tired .... for no reason. Remember how often I have pointed to videos of BTS, where they fake their breath after a performance, to fake that they are "out of breath" ?
Yeah...it's a tactic to make fans feel empathy.

Soobin is a grown-ass man, bitching about being hungry?? While guys his age go to war?

NOW everybody is against Bang for NO reason? But ignoring their jewish owned asses?

once again, NO. BIG NO. This is madness.
Whatever is going on with MHJ and Bang, they both mismanaged this.
She thought she could use BTS's absence to go unprepared against Bang, he thought that he could do whatever he wanted.
Whenever you see something like this in the news, it means that the company isn't politically supported anymore, or at least not to an unlimited extent.
Otherwise, you wouldn't see any of this news in the magazines.

The fact, is that there is no reason - based on those little hookers blabbing on youtube- to go against Bang, yet suddenly everyone is going crazy and baseless (like this one tweet down) against him.
As it seems, my idea of allowing her some creative content was already offered, but on the other side....she goes against the company for questionable reasons, the story smelled fishy from the beginning, the fact that Bang had little to do with Ador is on the other side something that plays against him, but in the end, the hypocrisy of everyone "standing up" is what I am left with - no words from Jungkook's penis when it came to the sexual abuse of some many other girls in this business, but suddenly just because he's again obsessed with another underage girl/s, he makes such a stupid comment and now everyone attacks Bang.

So, i guess....genocide is ok, sexual abuse is ok, but some girls bitching about their lack of knowledge over what their contract allows Bang to do, that's ground to attack Hybe and Bang? And then complain about the fact that some employees expressed their unsatisfaction with Jungkook's dumb comment??

This is a gay jewish american propaganda - "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with it, nor is capitalism what they make it to be.

At first I thought this was Jungkook in one of his drunken states...
This HYBE saga is getting "soap-opera-ish by the minute as they are losing support, they have to devise drastic measures for daily sympathy.
Sooner or later, they have to come clean with the truth, because they're being peeled & stripped every day.

especially one of the comments on the right hits a note - I remember that their fans went on a rally to attack MHJ for mentioning BTS, but now he sides with her...
That's the thing when all you do is lie to the public and use your fans....


KIDS?? He's near 30s. romanian men younger than him are forced by the jewish colony in my country to lose their life for no reason against Russia. But they are babies....

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What is he proud of?

YOU people do realize, that there are many "Palestinians" who are actually jewish and even so....to take advantage of this situation, to push propaganda...they should rotten in hell, all of them.
by the way....ONE is another globalist agenda, of having one set of people ruling above everything, no countries, no individuality, no values, nothing. Just slaves under ONE ruling devil.

This is another example of desperation - there is no reason as to WHY this person gets to go on a stage and be another lady gaga weirdo, acting all Halsey and "against" the system, that she's licking in a hypocritical way. She's getting paid by the same devilish jews, but let's put on a brave face and say to everything / fuck this, fuck that


Really ? Why is his name erased, if he's a (known) head of BTS promotion and crisis management? Even so, that wouldn't be a professional attitude...there some NDA's signed and some people don't just write stuff like that, risking having to pay for their entire life, just for a bitter feeling.
Also...he was apparently in charge to clean up the mess. If so, no wonder he is the former head. He did a bad job.

Those …. obsessed fans. AND WHO IS THE ONLY DISTRIBUTOR OF BTS??
UMG / GEFFEN - the worst alleged gay pedophile in the industry. Weinstein is a piece of cake compared with Geffen. You can’t attack Bang and leave any of the BTS members on the outside - they are guilty equally. They are the ones who signed and agreed to belong to UMG, they are the ones who kept silent throughout all those years, despite the horrible stories and scandals that came out to light, they are the ones keeping silent and nicely sharing their profits with the same criminals as Bang.
Each time you attack Bang, think about mentioning the full name of each of the BTS members.


great. I posted about this. Long time ago. Namjoon's friend. Why is everyone ignoring the fact, that these are BTS's friends? Not Bang's employees. Because one of them is a personal choice, the other one is business. So....what's worse? Choosing to be friends and sharing similar pleasures with someone like this, spending PRIVATE time with them and their entourage, or someone that Bang probably sees once a year for professional reasons?

It's funny, that Bruno Mars, who is one of the biggest thieves in this industry, is suing for something he built his career on.
