Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

I don’t have any updates for this thread because I stopped following Kpop some 2 months ago. Only source of info for me is this forum 🙂 and timeline on apps still showing me some post.

And one of the posts triggered me to overthink about JK’s new house. If that won’t be a family house, I am worried all the things which can happened there in future, knowing his circle of friends. I think we all remember the video about huge number of mattresses in his flat. That house looks like dark tower, with sound isolation I bet.

I don’t have any updates for this thread because I stopped following Kpop some 2 months ago. Only source of info for me is this forum 🙂 and timeline on apps still showing me some post.

And one of the posts triggered me to overthink about JK’s new house. If that won’t be a family house, I am worried all the things which can happened there in future, knowing his circle of friends. I think we all remember the video about huge number of mattresses in his flat. That house looks like dark tower, with sound isolation I bet.

I saw this video I believe 2-3 months ago, and I thought the same. Jungkook was very down the road before he enlisted and I don't think, that military has changed anything, based on his looks. I can see from Taehyung's updates, that he somehow found some focus and something to brag about, I mean...he looks as if he is saying - look at me, with my gun and uniform, etc...but Jungkook looks totally lost and wasted.
When you're surrounded by people who sit in a circle and pass the joint form one to the other, getting drunk and doing all sorts of other drugs (on top of what I believe that their doctors have been feeding them with for years - "anti depressants", "sleeping pills", etc), I don't think we're going to see a lot of good stuff in the future form him.

He has always surrounded himself with the wrong people, but as always...he had and has a choice. Instead of partying...practice. Instead of drinking...work out. Instead of doing drugs...read a book. Go to a sauna. Enjoy a life without worries.
Can you post a full analysis of anything and everything you've noticed and observed about Ateez? Maybe it should be a separate thread altogether but you of course can decide if that's necessary. Thanks!

what I can say is, that they stay silent when it comes to sex abuse, drugs and genocide/jewish supremacy, but when it comes to some p++++ they want to f+++, or ... most likely have already gone through all the girl bands, they are suddenly "supportive".

p.s. for those like me, who didn't understand the initial posting, the colors are symbols attributed to the New Jeans members

artists are not guilty....REALLY? you signed a contract and then complain about what you've signed when things aren't so rosy anymore??
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Another loser d+++ sucker

Now Jungkook's fans can go ahead and buy his stuff, cause nobody else does.

yeah, artists are not guilty

either way, I doubt Jungkook wrote this stupidity, but he shouldn't let others think, or speak for him. Especially NOT his druggie brother.
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....so they want to make it about MHJ dragging them? HAHAHAHAHA

Why didn't Jungkook post from his own account?
Either it's because he does not have access to his account, or because one of his F+++friend/ wish-fuckfriend from NewJeans told him to write this
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....just found this ... I don't know about this mess. Bang is obviously using Jungkook and Jungkook must have some f....ucking reasons to do this

Can you post a full analysis of anything and everything you've noticed and observed about Ateez? Maybe it should be a separate thread altogether but you of course can decide if that's necessary. Thanks!
Hello, I created a separate thread, but it's going to take a while, because I don't know much about them and it took a long time even for the BTS subject to get information. If you have any material I can look over, please share it

for what? because someone DARED to ignore the little princesses?

This thread makes me laugh...

BigHit LEAKED a video of them dancing sexy as minors? A minor shouldn't have ANYTHING to do with SEX, yet they are squeezing their p+++ies in their underwear aka tight jeans and skirts for a living.

No. Sorry. Bang did not do anything wrong.
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my take, updated -

New Jeans and sserafim, along with the rest of the girl groups are idiots to a level that nears retardness. Stupid and drunk people shouldn't open their mouths.
NewJeans did a live on youtube where their stupidity and irresponsibility came out shining bright like a diamond. things like - living in a bubble where they think people should treat them like little princesses, talking some nonsense about things being released without their knowledge, thought they signed their rights over to Bang, etc...
When this backfired, Jungkook, the stupid fuckfriend of one or maybe multiple NewJeans members, acted in a non-surprising stupid way and tried to make Bang look bad.
Jungkook obviously does not have control over his own Instagram account, judging by his behavior, I wonder if he has any control over his life, both physically, mentally, and legally, so he posted something resembling to a direct attack against Bang.

Bang took the opportunity and turned the situation to his benefit, making it seem, as if Jungkook was attacking MHJ, when in fact stupid jungkook and his penis were fooled into attacking Bang.

Since for once, Bang's team acted smartly, they used Jungkook's penis-fuck-driven-behavior for their own benefit and Jungkook either has to double down and clearly say he was referring to Bang/BigHit, or go back at saying silent.

Either way, this has caused a lot of trouble for everyone involved and once again Jungkook is at fault. This guy cannot control his penis and everytime some stupid hooker is involved, he loses his mind creating trouble for everyone.

this gay pedo weirdo is the reason why BTS's dances such. but...sucking Bang's balls is enough to get him into that position. This together with the member's stupidity and laziness for not having an issue with the fact, that they only did one choreography in their entire career. Every song is based on movements from their first music video.


YES, because they only care about money and sex with minors, hookers and clothes. They won't say anything about the people giving them money and access to sex with prostitutes.