Ador vs NewJeans 1st injunction March 2025

who do you think will win the injunction

  • 1. Ador

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • 2. NewJeans

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters



February 14, 2024

nici sfinții nu sînt sfînți​

Am fost imatură atunci cînd am iubit
Nu am înțeles puterea
De a clădi un abis ocrotitor
Doar cu ideea.

Nu am știut că va veni o zi
În care voi aprecia durerea
De a știi că am greșit doar peste ani
Și ea să-mi salveze căderea.

Nu am știut că va veni o zi
În care voi regreta apoi greșeala,
Căci nimic nu e uitat, iertat,
Ci doar blestemat în viața asta.

Altfel n-am fi noi aici,
Dacă n-am ignora tot ce se petrece.

A greși nu e uman,
A greși e tragedie.
Și nici sfinții nu sînt sfînți
Cînd Dumnezeu îi pedepsește.
Let it be noticed - this time Ador reacted very quick with their comments towards the changes of name. Also notice the legal language, as explained by me in the past - NewJeans is a "brand" in the first place. All those bands are there as a product in the first place. The music is the last one on the list.

"We would like to share ADOR’s position regarding NewJeans’ announcement of a new team name.
It is deeply regrettable that the members made this unilateral decision before any legal ruling has been made regarding the validity of their exclusive contracts with ADOR.
ADOR will continue to do our best to protect the brand value of NewJeans.
Additionally, we would like to clarify once more that we are always open to meeting with NewJeans members or their legal representatives to resolve any misunderstandings and discuss the group’s future activities."

I said it before - this was yet another damaging move for them. For what - 1 or 2 more months? There are murder cases where the victims wait for YEARS before they can even get a trial date. Those bitches couldn't wait a few more weeks? Already fuelling the public in case they loose...

the one comment at the bottom HAHA

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I was asked about it and saw this comment/rumour as well - them being chinese funded. Chinese funding spreads out everywhere, like jews. Most likely they have chinese funding, this is also how Bang started. With chinese fundings. I uncovered this like...5 years ago?
Them perfoming in HongKong speaks for itself...


This is the registered trademark of NewJeans by Ador

These are all the trademarks by Ador

In addition to what was said before by me, the problem with their abbreviation is that they are trying to sell the same product, with an abbreviation of the same name of the product, which is already under a trademark.

If you understand what I mean. Their name and the band is a product. They can't get around with this attempt. Imagine people doing the same thing with every single protected trademark.
of course she refused to sign the documents. It would have immediately meant that she's acknowledging the contract's terms.
I believe that ADOR - if they win - will keep on doing things with the girls, at least one album, and not ditch them immediately.
The thing is - if they win (ADOR), it would ad more fuel to the illegalities committed by Hanni, because, according to the article, her visa expires by the end of the month.
I doubt, that they will be in court, other than for show.
If the judge decides that the contract is valid, it still raises the question about punishment - when on a working visa, any illegality can cause one to be deported and banned from the country.
What they did, is illegal. I don't know how SK handles this, I don't see the other cases that have been brougth up (50/50) to have been jailed, but nothing has ever been so extreme and illegal in terms of breach of contract, as their stupidity.

one of the commenters...exactly...

The E-6 visa, which Hanni requires, is issued to foreign entertainers based on an employment contract with a domestic agency. According to Hanni, she is neither under contract with ADOR nor signed with a new agency. By refusing to sign the visa extension, she has effectively rendered herself an undocumented resident in Korea.
According to South Korea’s Ministry of Justice, foreign nationals with expired visas may remain in the country if they are involved in ongoing lawsuits, but they are not permitted to engage in entertainment activities. Unless Hanni’s visa issue is resolved, NJZ will face challenges in continuing as a full five-member group.
I don't know the legal system in SK, but to second one of the commenters, if she signs a new contract to renew her visa while the dispute is ongoing, which they probably already did, it would be yet another damaging act on their already failed attempts of extortion.
I don't know how the appeal works, if ADOR wins and they appeal, but I can tell you this - trial costs are huge. Lawyer fees are huge, that's why I know a bit the law, because I never could permit one for my affairs.
Just for one hour of discussion, they charge you a minimum of 1,000/hour. You can't go into a battle like this, without pouring at least 100k. At least. Because nomatter what, the outcome will be dirty.
If ADOR wins, NewOldHookers still will refuse to honor their obligation, so someone will have to buy them out, including the damages caused, which are, as estimated in the past months, something of about 200 hundred millions dollar?
They will make an entire drama about being forced to work for someone that they don't like, bitching about things like this - I doubt Bang abused any of them. He's a gay pedo. And while they still go for young girls, Bang's eyes around girls move even less, than they already do.
they were fed all the benefits of being affiliated with BTS. That's it.
Their fame isn't real.
Unfortunately, I doubt that even if ADOR wins, they will face any criminal charges. Which is sad.
If the breach of contract is acknowledge, Hanni will have a problem, because then she will have to face charges and even be deported. The only option would be for Bang to beg the government for her, but I don't know if Bang wants to ow favours for someone like them, useless and spoiled.

LIED LIES LIES ! And some of the usual stupid comments.

What Ador did was a normal procedure and so were the warnings related to the illegal status.
I’ve been on different working visas in different countries. The system is overall the same - you need a sponsor to obtain an artist/working visa as an “artist”.

She is still under Ador contract and they were obligated to send her the papers for renewal, as her/their contract expires…when? In a few years?
Failure to do so would have been a major breach of contract coming from Ador.
You NEED to list the agency/company sponsoring you.
What angers me is that they get away with those lies and their fans, if not for any reason, then at least for their own good, should do a quick search and see the lie behind this statement.

I don’t know what signature and documents the parents are referring to, but those contracts come with a clause, that the label can act in your name. You sign a paper which is valid for the duration of the contract and the company doesn’t owe you an explanation for the usage, nor to they report to you, but the other way around.

For example when they contact agencies, handling branding contracts, etc.

So not only does this prove AGAIN their imbecility, but it proves also that all of them (NewHookers side) are giving false statement to the press and are never specific. Because they could be sued. Maybe they will be later.

It’s ironic how bang goes after everyone who talks about Jimin’s hair, but not against these lies.

You cannot track immigration records, no personal data in the world can help you legally track something in a system which can only be tracked within the immigration office.
What you can do, at least it was possible many years ago in the USA, is to find a person’s visa status and arrival/departure date from USA to a foreign country and when returning from a foreign one.

I used to check my status like this because once they had the wrong informations saved.
I don’t know if this option still exists.

So yes, one might say that these are immigration records, but it’s at least not a full description of your status.

Further - like I often said in the past - aaaaall those leaked informations like their passports - from BTS to any other band, is done with their approval and knowledge. Otherwise they (companies) could be sued for leaking private data.

Whatever data was leaked, she must have signed to allow things like this.
Though I wasn’t aware of any data of hers circling around.

I am baffled over the fact that they once again go this far and also curious who the company behind them is. Because it’s not just that ADOR issued warnings for fun. The entire world was put on notice that doing so would cause major damages.

In the history of disputes arising from the entertainment business, I’ve never seen someone so dumb and so far from reality, so disconnected from the acknowledgment related to their market value, disrespectful and so badly advised, as those NewJeans people and their parents.

Take my statement as such - their entire announcement is filled with lies and shows desperation.
In a ways it’s the exact extreme situation that Bang has done with BTS and their image on the outside.
Yet - the parents and those women are simply insanely dumb. Idiots.

NJZ’s parents release statement confirming Hanni has obtained a new visa:

— “Hello. Over the past two days, speculative articles regarding Hanni’s domestic residency status have been flooding the media, spreading false information. We would like to clarify the situation.

Hanni has already legally obtained a new visa yesterday (February 11) through the proper procedures.

ADOR pressured both Hanni and her parents by exploiting the sensitive issue of visas, which is a major concern for foreign residents in Korea. They demanded that she sign an extension agreement listing ADOR as her agency and sent emails warning that refusing to sign could result in illegal residency. Furthermore, they submitted personal documents requiring her signature to relevant establishments without her consent and only informed her afterward. These actions are incomprehensible by common standards.

Some media outlets have used the term “illegal resident” based on unverified claims, exacerbating false rumors and triggering the filing of civil complaints. Additionally, although things regarding visas are private personal information, articles cite sources like “anonymous music industry officials” or “multiple music industry insiders” to spread misinformation, and claim that ADOR stated “they cannot verify the situation.” This contradicts the first few articles to be released that contained ADOR’s alleged statement where, they “prepared and attempted to submit all necessary documents for visa extension, but the individual refused to sign.”

Around 70 articles have been published in just the past two days, speculating on personal details such as visa type and expiration date— this is information that should remain private. We deeply regret that sensitive details, which only ADOR or the individual in question should know, have been indiscriminately leaked to the media.

The unauthorized use or disclosure of personal information is unacceptable, and the media’s failure to verify facts before publishing articles is a serious issue. This situation has escalated, with previous instances where members’ personal data was used to track immigration records. In order to protect the members, we are considering taking legal action.

Thank you for taking the time to read this long statement. We sincerely apologize to the fans for any concerns and discomfort this has caused. Please take care of your health. Thank you.”

I looked over the processing time for a E-6 Visa in SK and it says that it takes 30 calendar days. Meaning she must have applied for a visa around January 10/11.

I looked over my postings from the original thread before moving over to a separate one here and January 10th was around the time she got reported.
They must have planned it ever since their “sudden” outburst and illegal breach of contract.
I believe that they all overestimated the public’s support, but since I myself was once “the biggest star on the planet, or at least…A star” - I doubt that MHJ did all her stupid games without at least ONE serious offer of a backup for her and the band.
The entire story smelled fishy. Admittedly Hanni’s stupidity and narcissism was heavily proven and became a burden when she complained about abuse because someone didn’t bowed deep enough to her. But MHJ knows the business. Maybe she miscalculated some things that turned against her and now her sudden disappearance after creating such a drama, but I have the feeling that this was at least in part already clear in the summer last year, then once they had a potential backer they tried to blackmail Bang and after that their strategy became desperation, relating solely on a backer (wether company/multiple people it’s irrelevant, but it’s almost always more than one person investing in a risky project) to fund their useless band and who can afford to loose millions at the potential of betting against Bang’s /ADOR’a win.
There is also a lot of stock manipulation in place. People will bet either for or against the ADOR stock and it plays a pivotal role.
Whoever has money enough to assume the risks, is doing it because of other reasons such as stock betting.
Ador has already lost and will loose a LOT of money and even if they win, a few millions that those bitches earned isn’t even cover their lawyers fees or court fees.
I would have to look over the legal system in SK which is difficult since I don’t speak Korean, but I assume that the rules are almost the same overall - the higher the amount it’s being disputed, the higher the costs.

For example - in Germany if you want to sue for punitive damages over 20 millions, the court and lawyers fees for all stages (in Germany you have something called INSTANZ / so first instance, second and third) is around €2,5 millions. Euro.

If I were to use the same principle and the smallest amount for buyout rumored, which was around 200 millions, and they don’t pay that, nevermind the damages, ador would have to pay millions in advance which would cause a huge financial loss because they don’t have that type of money and they will bitch if being forced to work to pay for their shit.
This is one of the reasons why ADOR is still trying to find a solution amiable.

Even so, even after considering all this, it might also go the way where Bang realizes that allowing them to get away with it will open the gates for a huge abuse by every hooker in SK to do the same and at that point I believe he will receive support from other labels as well because they’re all in danger because of this situation.
See? this is exactly what I was telling you. NJZ is still an abbreviation of NewJeans and they are basically selling the same product under the abbreviation of the previously used name, which is treademarked by Ador.

uuu. Shit is getting bigger

the parents are only threatening to sue TeenAsia, because it's MHJ's agency.

Good video and go through the comments.

He also explains that the whole process of getting an E6 visa can take up to 3 months. I assume the 30 days were referring to how long it takes once everything it is approved, to get the stamp on your pass. That makes sense, my artist visa took about 4 months.

The situation is getting more and more corrupt, because apparently amongst other things, you need a letter of recommendation from the ministry of culture. That corrupt politician didn't just helped her, there is a whole war going on behind the scenes. I told you also, that it is not so much about NewJeans, but also about Bang.
The issue that I am seeing here, is that that corrupt politician caused more problems and knowingly created a situation where he is breaking someone breaking the law.
She (Hanni) could have applied for a tourist visa, or go back until the court decides over ADOR's injunction...
it is unclear what type of visa Hanni is on, but giving the involvement of that politician and the timeline, I will repeat what I said in some earlier postings - they already had something in November when they quit. At least some sort of backup strong enough, to rely on. I don't mean just them, but also MHJ.
Funny how she disappeared from the picture.
Those women and their parents really need to be put in a cell for a good year or so and see if they stop with the bullshit. I doubt Bang interfered in any way, at least official and this is yet another jerk-attempt to use public manipulation to their advantage. Haven't they noticed, that so far THEY FAILED?

This article puts it better together - the bullshit move of the parents came
"after five major industry organizations — the Korea Management Federation, the Korea Entertainment Producer's Association, the Record Label Industry Association of Korea, the Recording Industry Association of Korea and the Korea Music Content Association — released a joint statement Wednesday, addressing the dispute.
They criticized NJZ and former Ador CEO Min Hee-jin for trying to resolve the conflict by "manipulating public opinion" and making "unilateral declarations rather than legal or internal discussions." They also urged the government and the National Assembly to implement policies to curb "tampering," a major source of conflict that they say is pushing K-pop into crisis."

Again, a video on point.
Amongst many things, that weirdo politician, that got involved in securing Hanni her visa, mentioned her while talking about THE IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT.


Labor Ministry finds NewJeans manager's workplace bullying claims unfounded​

Labor Ministry dismisses allegations of misconduct stemming from NewJeans manager's complaint
Jang Woo-jeong
Published 2025.02.24. 06:00

The incident in which NewJeans manager A reported the company's representative Kim Joo-young to the authorities for workplace bullying has been concluded to be 'unfounded' after the investigation.

A was the person who contacted advertisers without including ADOR (a major agency of HYBE) after the independent termination of the contract for NewJeans at the end of November last year.

ADOR, which claims the contract is valid, viewed this as an act of misconduct at the time and conducted an audit on A. However, A reported this as workplace bullying and submitted a complaint against Kim to the Ministry of Employment and Labor in December.

A complaint refers to the act of citizens stating their circumstances to the state or public institutions and requesting them to take any action.

◇ Ministry of Employment and Labor: 'Unable to confirm workplace bullying'

Graphic=Son Min-kyun

Graphic=Son Min-kyun
According to industry reports on the 24th, the Seoul Regional Employment and Labor Office under the Ministry of Employment and Labor recently found no evidence in the investigation of the complaint filed by former ADOR employee A against Kim, and handled it as 'administrative closure (no charges)'. The crux is that it could not confirm workplace bullying solely based on the complainant's submitted documents.

A claimed in media interviews last December that ADOR lured him under the pretense of business discussions, illegally detained him for about three hours, and demanded the submission of his personal mobile phone, asserting that workplace bullying occurred, and reported Kim to the Ministry of Employment and Labor regarding this matter.

Prior to this, NewJeans members also stated in a press release, "We witnessed managers who assist with schedules and the performance director being deprived of their laptops by ADOR and HYBE, being subjected to severe bullying, and crying while being unexpectedly confronted and investigated. We find such behavior towards the remaining staff members conducting the schedules very difficult to understand."

In response, ADOR stated, "An employee in charge of managing the artists (referring to A) contacted advertisers directly, bypassing the company, and urged a direct contract between the artist and the brand to be established. The manager himself admits to having made such communication. This constitutes serious misconduct aiding the violation of the artist's exclusive contract."

It added, "We had no choice but to place the employee on leave, and requested the return of the company asset, which is a laptop. There were no coercive acts, including illegal detention, during this process. The company made several requests for a meeting to provide the manager an opportunity to explain, but the employee refused all of them."

The Ministry of Employment and Labor's investigation results effectively support ADOR's claim that 'there were no coercive acts.'

◇ All three claims of 'workplace bullying' found 'unfounded'

In addition to this case, there were other claims made against ADOR through the Ministry of Employment and Labor. Former Deputy Representative L, who is considered a co-conspirator of former ADOR representative Min Hee-jin by HYBE, also reported that he was subjected to workplace bullying by HYBE executives, but this was also closed administratively. (Related article☞ [Exclusive] Report of 'workplace bullying' ordered by Min Hee-jin... Ministry of Employment and Labor concludes no charges against HYBE)

Former Deputy Representative L reported five HYBE executives for workplace bullying, stating that HYBE conducted illegal audits to coercively collect information assets last September. The authorities concluded this case as unfounded after carefully investigating the claims of both sides.

It was interpreted that former Deputy Representative L's report was made under the direction of former representative Min to obstruct HYBE's re-investigation concerning sexual harassment and bullying claims raised by ADOR retiree B against L.

A complaint filed by someone claiming to be a NewJeans fan to investigate Hanni's workplace bullying was also concluded. The authorities found it difficult to determine Hanni as an employee under the Labor Standards Act, considering the nature of the management as merely a relationship where each party fulfills their contractual obligations as equal contracting parties, making it hard to view the company's supervision and guidance as existent.

※ This article has been translated using the OpenAI translation tool.

Based on the informations presented, nothing from what ADOR did was illegal. If it was his/her work laptop...the answer is self-explanatory. They can do whatever they want.
They can also audit his or her work at any time and ask questions.
If this turns out to be on a basis so often, that it can no longer be justified, it could count as harassment. The person*s affiliation with Min Hee Jin, who was accused for what it turned out to be valid reasons, to organize a take-over of Ador, raised security concerns for ADOR.