
Cezara-Lucia Vlădescu

March 5, 2024


Luna been messing around
Bye, bye, bye, baby,
You fooled for too long and too much around
Love can’t catch a cold from your spinning
Burn, burn thy guilty feeling
I’m secretly winning.
Nu te supăra dacă îmi trece
Plăcerea de a petrece a ta cădere rece
Suspinul doare cît să nu mă-nece
Dunărea trece prin toate cheile dacice
Am obosit, m-am și plictisit
Nu mai vreau nimic
Am uitat chiar și de ce te-am vorbit
Asta e, oricum, nu mai știe nimeni de tine nimic.
Doar blestemul din mine îmi dă de veste,
C-ar fi bine să mă-nchin.
Înainte de fiecare poveste
E finalul unui alt destin.
Let's start...

That "outfit" sure seemed strange and awkward to wear. At the show, there were other guys wearing suits. But San had this weird stiff thing on him. Maybe some sort of initiation into the fashion world. He looked uncomfortable as well when sitting there with the others.

The Mingi picture looks pretty normal and tame for a fashion shoot.
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always chart manipulation. I believe that all of them buy fake numbers

I found those links

under this thread.

I remember Block B's song HER from a BTS "battle".

reddit is a lot of bullshit, some little info.

I watched this video. not bad the song, I am surprised about their not-typical image. None of them is "pretty" in the gay cute sense, I wonder what demographic they appeal to. I will look into more songs. So far I notice a dark note in their video, but it doesn't have to be something bad. Don't like the styling in the video. The weird gay faux leather pants and cowboy hats.


always chart manipulation. I believe that all of them buy fake numbers

I found those links

under this thread.

I remember Block B's song HER from a BTS "battle".

reddit is a lot of bullshit, some little info.

I watched this video. not bad the song, I am surprised about their not-typical image. None of them is "pretty" in the gay cute sense, I wonder what demographic they appeal to. I will look into more songs. So far I notice a dark note in their video, but it doesn't have to be something bad. Don't like the styling in the video. The weird gay faux leather pants and cowboy hats.

Yeah, this is a fun video. I honestly really like them and I wish they weren't part of the insanity of the industry but they have to play by the same rules as everyone else if they want to remain relevant and land deals.
Yeah, this is a fun video. I honestly really like them and I wish they weren't part of the insanity of the industry but they have to play by the same rules as everyone else if they want to remain relevant and land deals.
Not everyone is the devil, but it depends on how long they stay there. Nowadays people don't really need labels and companies to do something. If they are good, they don't need to stay with their company, but if they don't mind the evil they're affiliated and surrounded with, then...yes. It's their fault. They're all grown men.
Curious what you think of this song. It's very culty. In the beginning they say "oh Yahweh"

And here is the choreo version where they make the sign of the cross.

Curious what you think of this song. It's very culty. In the beginning they say "oh Yahweh"

And here is the choreo version where they make the sign of the cross.

The first thing is that I find it very suspicious, that the English translation on doesn't translate "oh Yahweh", but "oh, light". It shouldn't surprise us, that the owners are juewish

When I first watched the video, I didn't like it that much - inconsistent, too many effects. Watching the "dance performance" was different.
Their dancing is not particularly challenging, but solid. It suits the song better than the video and I like the different individual voices.

I still don't get the jewish insertion of that word.

If the song would have been slightly better produced, it could have been a hit, compared to other kpop songs.